Buenos Aires, November 17 (NNN-RHC) -- Argentina has accused the UK of “new provocations” for carrying out military exercises near the disputed Malvinas islands, also known as the Falklands to the British.... More

Tel Aviv, November 17 (RHC)-- Israeli settlers have hanged a Palestinian man in East Jerusalem in another incident of brutality against Palestinians in the occupied territories, local sources say. ... More

Brisbane, November 17 (XINHUA-RHC)-- Chinese President Xi Jinping met his Brazilian counterpart Dilma Rousseff on Sunday, calling for early substantial progress in China-Brazil railway cooperation.... More

La Paz, November 17 (NNN-RHC)-- Bolivian President Evo Morales has launched a new program to grant a new bonus to the nation's elderly who are eligible for pensions. The program will benefit about one million people.... More

Stockholm, November 17 (RHC)-- The king of Sweden has congratulated the national day of the "State of Palestine" to become the first European monarch to officially mark the Palestinian 1988 declaration of independence. ... More

Rio de Janeiro, November 17 (NNN-RHC)-- The research firm GlobalData has predicted that Brazil will overtake the United States as the world’s top market for bio-energy.... More

St. Louis, November 17 (RHC)-- U.S. activists protesting the fatal August shooting of an unarmed Black teenager by a white policeman in Ferguson, Missouri, have staged a peaceful demonstration. Hundreds of demonstrators blocked a major intersection near Washington University in St. Louis on Sunday. ... More

Brisbane, November 17 (NNN-RHC)-- The investigation into kickbacks at Brazil's state oil company Petrobras could change Brazilian society forever, especially the relationship between society and the country's state and private companies, President Dilma Rousseff said Sunday.... More

La Paz, November 15 (RHC-PL), -- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) expert, Pablo Delfang is in Bolivia to advise the nuclear project with peaceful aims designed by the Government of president Evo Morales, according to a report circulated in La Paz Friday.... More

Baghdad, November 15 (RHC)-- Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has dismissed over two dozen military officers and retired a further 10 in an anti-corruption drive.... More

La Paz, November 15 (RHC-PL), -- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) expert, Pablo Delfang is in Bolivia to advise the nuclear project with peaceful aims designed by the Government of president Evo Morales, according to a report circulated in La Paz Friday.... More

Mexico City, November 14 (RHC-PL) -- Relatives of the 43 missing students left today on a caravan tour of several parts of Mexico to spread information and seek public support to demand a speedier investigation.... More

Washington, November 14 (RHC)-- Top U.S. military commander General Martin Dempsey says the Pentagon is considering the deployment of combat troops to Iraq to allegedly fight against the ISIL terrorist group. Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House of Representatives’ Armed Services Committee on Thursday that the Pentagon is considering recommending that U.S. troops fight alongside Iraqi forces to capture Mosul or border areas with Syria from ISIL terrorists. ... More

Geneva, November 14 (RHC)-- The United States has been grilled for a second and final day by the United Nations Committee Against Torture in Geneva. The cross-examination on Thursday covered issues including CIA’s “black sites,” indefinite detentions at the Guantanamo military prison in Cuba and prisoner abuse. ... More

Rome, November 14 (RHC-Andina) --Peruvian President Ollanta Humala arrived Friday at Rome’s Ciampino International Airport, prior to holding a meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican. On behalf of the Vatican Secretariat of State, the Peruvian President was welcomed by Monsignor Fernando Chica Arellano upon arrival.... More
