Guayaquil, November 6 (teleSUR-RHC), -- During a meeting Wednesday with journalists in the coastal economic hub of Guayaquil, Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa stated that over 309,000 children had decided to stop working to attend school.... More

Lima, November 6 (teleSUR-RHC), -- A survey by GfK released on Wednesday, shows that the number of Peruvians who believe their income is not enough to survive on has increased by from 33 percent in August to 39 percent in October of this year. Also, the number of people who believe their situation will improve has decreased from 41 percent to only 33 percent.... More

Rio de Janeiro, November 6 (RHC-Xinhua) -- President Dilma Rousseff on Wednesday struck a conciliatory tone following post-election protests by the political opposition.... More

Ramallah, November 6 (RHC)-- Unrest continues in the occupied West Bank and in Jerusalem. On Wednesday, a Palestinian driver killed an Israeli pedestrian and wounded 14 others after ramming his car into them on the side of a road. Three Israeli soldiers were also wounded in a similar incident nearby. ... More

Mexico City, November 6 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Classes were suspended at university campuses around Mexico on Wednesday to protest the government's failure to locate 43 college students who vanished when they were training to be teachers in the southwest state of Guerrero late September.... More

Buenos Aires, November 6 (RHC-Mercopress) -– Argentinian President Cristina Fernández has completed her third day in the Otamendi hospital after falling ill with a bacterial infection, according to the report released by the presidential Medical Unit.... More

Washington, November 6 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has voiced his eagerness to work with the new Congress following Republicans win over both houses of Congress in Tuesday's midterm elections. ... More

Quito, November 6 (RHC-PL) -- The migratory species whose lives revolve around crossing borders, teach us that beyond territorial limits the world is one and we must be united, said environmentalist Philippe Cousteau in Quito Wednesday.... More

London, November 6 (RHC)-- Scuffles have broken out between police and anti-austerity demonstrators on the streets of the British capital, London. The Million Mask March, organized by a hacktivist group called Anonymous, took place in central London late Wednesday night. ... More

Tripoli, November 6 (RHC)-- The major El Sharara oil field in southern Libya has shut down production following its seizure by an armed group. According to the Libyan Oil Ministry sources on Wednesday, El Sharara oil field, which is located in Murzuq Desert, has stopped working following the exchange of fire between the two ethnic minorities of Tuareg and Tabu. ... More

Santiago de Chile, November 6 (RHC-Mercopress) -- Chile's Finance Ministry Alberto Arenas, and the World Bank Group (WBG), represented by its Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean, Jorge Familiar, signed a cooperation agreement to establish in Chile the first Research and Development Center in Latin America, and the second outside Washington, DC.... More

Rome, November 6 (RHC)-- Flooding has hit Italy's agricultural heartland in the fertile north, destroying agricultural lands and products and sparking accusations of environmental neglect. ... More

Rio de Janeiro, November 6 (RHC-EFE) –- Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore on Wednesday stressed Brazil’s importance in the global warming battle, hailing its success in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and slowing the rate of Amazon deforestation.... More

Lima, November 6 (RHC-Andina) -- Peru and Venezuela will co-chair the Social Pre-COP on Climate Change that will bring together ministers and civil society representatives as part of a preparatory meeting prior to the Twentieth Conference of the Parties (COP20), to be held in Lima, Peru next month.... More

Mexico City, November 5 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Mexican authorities Tuesday captured the fugitive former mayor wanted for his role in the abduction of 43 students in late September. ... More
