Atlanta, October 21 (RHC)-- In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has unveiled new protocols for health care workers treating patients with Ebola. ... More

Montevideo, October 21 (RHC-Mercopress) --Global anti-corruption campaigners at Transparency International (TI) elected Peruvian lawyer Jose Ugaz as it’s new head on Sunday marking a shift from quiet diplomacy in combating fraud and bribery toward more grassroots activism.... More

Berlin, October 21 (RHC)-- Pilots of Europe's largest airline Lufthansa have started their two-day strike, forcing the cancelation of some 1,500 flights. Pilots of Germany's main airline had said that the strike would mostly target European flights, but on Monday they said it would also encompass international routes. ... More

United Nations, October 20 (RHC)-- The United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF, says the Ebola outbreak is creating vast numbers of orphans in West Africa. At least 3,700 children are said to have lost at least one or both parents. ... More

Mexico City, October 20 (RHC-PL) -- Mexican students from various colleges and universities are planning a 48-hour strike as part of a series of actions to demand that the authorities step up their investigations into the case of the 43 students who went missing from Iguala following a clash with police last month.... More

Dallas, October 20 (RHC)-- Hospitals in the United States are beginning to experience a public panic over the Ebola virus infection. Ever since Thomas Eric Duncan became the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the U.S. on September 30th, a mounting fear over a possible Ebola outbreak in the homeland has worried the US public, Reuters reported Monday. ... More

Port of Spain, October 20 (RHC-NNN-) --A Nigerian woman was turned away at Trinidad's Piarco International Airport under new rules as the country responds to the current Ebola threat. She became the first person to be denied entry under the rules implemented last week in Trinidad and Tobago.... More

Berlin, October 20 (RHC)--Germany has reversed an earlier decision to hold back a discount on missile boats to Israel over its settlement projects, agreeing to give Tel Aviv a USD 382 million discount. ... More

Mexico City, October 20 (RHC-NNN) -- A Mexican gang boss has been arrested in connection with the case of the 43 students who have been missing since they clashed with police last month in the town of Iguala in Southern Mexico.... More

Tripoli, October 20 (RHC)-- At least 75 people have been killed in the northeastern Libyan city of Benghazi during five days of clashes between pro-government forces and militias. In the latest wave of violence hitting the city on Sunday, nine people lost their lives. ... More

Bogotá, October 20 (RHC-EFE) -- The National Liberation Army, or the ELN, Colombia's second-largest guerrilla group, said it had meetings in recent months with President Juan Manuel Santos's administration aimed at starting peace talks with the government.... More

Brussels, October 20 (RHC)-- Thousands of Belgians have taken to the streets of the capital, Brussels, to protest against broad reforms planned by the new government. The Sunday protest was organized by the Workers' Party of Belgium (PTB). According to the police, some 4,800 people participated in the demonstration. Organizers, however, put the number at over 7,000. ... More

Caracas, October 20 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Venezuelans who marched in the streets of Caracas Saturday against violence, were split between government supporters, who rejected terrorism; and opponents, who protested against soaring crime rates in the South American country.... More

Berlin, October 20 (RHC)-- One of the biggest strikes by German train drivers over pay and working hours has caused disruption across the country, Press TV reports. ... More

Mexico City, October 20 (RHC-Xinhua) -- At least six people have been killed since Saturday when tropical storm Trudy battered Mexico, local Civil Protection authorities said Sunday.... More
