Dallas, October 1 (RHC)-- The United States has confirmed its first case of Ebola virus disease in the city of Dallas, which is also the first case outside of Africa. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that a male patient tested positive for the disease on Tuesday. ... More

Lima, October 1 (Mercopress-RHC) -- Uruguay's lawmaker and chief of the Organization of American States Electoral Observation Mission (OAS/EOM) Sergio Abreu arrived on Tuesday in Lima to lead a group of 35 people who will observe Peru's October 5th regional and municipal elections in 16 departments of the country and the Province of Callao.... More

Madrid, October 1 (RHC)-- Thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of Barcelona, vowing to disobey Spain's blocking of Catalonia's independence referendum. Some 5,000 angry Catalans gathered in one of the city's main squares on Tuesday, waving Catalan independence flags and chanting "We will vote." ... More

Caracas, October 1 (PL-RHC)-- The Venezuelan Government strategy to fight smuggling is producing positive results, with large volumes of food and fuel having been seized by authorities.... More

New York, September 30 (Mercopress-RHC) -- New York District Judge Thomas Griesa on Monday declared Argentina in contempt of court, due to the country's actions in attempting to change debt jurisdictions as a result of the ongoing judicial conflict with holdout investors presided over by the U.S. magistrate.... More

Buenos Aires, September 30 (Mercopress-RHC) -- President Cristina Fernandez said U.S. Judge Thomas Griesa's decision to declare Argentina 'in contempt of court' in the dispute with speculative funds, was in violation of international law, the UN charter and the OAS.... More

Montevideo, September 30 (Mercopress-RHC) -- The Organization of American States Secretary General, Jose Miguel Insulza, has “urged the United States to close the Guantanamo Bay facility without delay and arrange for the trial or release of the detainees,” calling on member countries to consider receiving detainees from Guantanamo.... More

Kabul, September 30 (RHC)-- Afghanistan’s new government has signed an agreement to keep 10,000 U.S. troops in the country. The deal came one day after President Ashraf Ghani was inaugurated. His predecessor, Hamid Karzai, had refused to sign the agreement. ... More

Mexico City, September 30 (RHC)-- In the Mexican state of Guerrero, more than 50 students from a teacher training college have been missing since Friday night following violent clashes with police. ... More

Port of Spain, September 30 (teleSUR-RHC) -- Ambassadors of different Latin American countries reiterated Monday their disagreement with the economic, financial and trade blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.... More

Tehran, September 30 (RHC)-- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has criticized anti-Iranian comments by British Prime Minister David Cameron at the United Nations, calling them "inappropriate and unacceptable." ... More

London, September 30 (teleSUR-RHC) -- WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, has described South America's plans to develop Internet infrastructure bypassing the United States as a “very important project.”... More

Geneva, September 30 (NNN-RHC) -- A courageous Colombian women's rights network was in the spotlight on Monday, as it received the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) prestigious Nansen Refugee Award in Geneva for its outstanding work to help victims of forced displacement and sexual abuse.... More

United Nations, September 30 (RHC)-- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has reiterated Tel Aviv's war-mongering position on the Islamic Republic, calling Iran a “greater threat” than the ISIL Takfiri terrorists. ... More

United Nations, September 30 (RHC)-- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks at the United Nations were to justify the crimes the regime committed in its latest war against defenseless Palestinians in Gaza, Iran's mission to the UN says. ... More
