Lima, August 27 (Andina-RHC) -- Government officials from Colombia, Venezuela and Peru met on August 26th and 27th to discuss achievements and challenges facing the region in a bid to strengthen aboriginal people's rights to economic development, health, justice, and the right to their own language.... More

Gaza City, August 26 (RHC)-- Palestinian resistance groups and Israeli officials have reportedly reached an agreement on a permanent ceasefire for the besieged Gaza Strip. According to Palestinian sources, the Palestinians and the Israelis agreed to a permanent ceasefire on Tuesday. ... More

Paris, August 26 (RHC)-- France is in the midst of a political crisis after a dispute over harsh austerity policies caused the president to dissolve the government. ... More

Bogotá, August 26 (RHC) -- Three Colombian soldiers were killed and four others wounded Monday in a battle with combatants of the rebel Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in the northeastern Arauca Department.... More

Gaza City, August 26 (RHC)-- As the Israeli assault entered its 50th day, the Palestinian death toll reached more than 2,130, the vast majority civilians, with 68 dead on the Israeli side, all but four of them soldiers. ... More

Baghdad, August 26 (RHC)-- A car bomb has killed at least 10 people today in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Across Iraq on Monday, at least four dozen people were killed in a series of bombings targeting mainly Shiite areas. ... More

Guatemala City, August 26 (Xinhua-RHC) -- Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina on Monday signed a governmental decree declaring a state of calamity in 17 of the country's 22 departments, where as many as 200,000 rural and indigenous families whose livelihoods depend solely on farming are said to have been affected by a severe drought in those areas and a potential famine.... More

Washington, August 26 (RHC)-- The United States is sending spy drones and manned surveillance flights over Syria in the latest step toward possible airstrikes against Islamic State militants there. ... More

Gaza City, August 25 (RHC)-- Israel has leveled a 12-story apartment building and a seven-story office building as it continues its bombardment of Gaza. According to Agence France-Presse, more than 100 Palestinians have been killed since Israel resumed airstrikes last week. ... More

Damascus, August 25 (RHC)-- Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem has warned the United States against carrying out airstrikes on the Takfiri ISIL terrorists inside Syria without Damascus’ consent. Muallem said at a news conference in Damascus on Monday that any such attack without the approval of the Syrian government would be considered as a violation of his country’s sovereignty and an act of aggression. ... More

La Paz, August 25 (PL-RHC) -- The XX Sao Paulo Forum opens today in La Paz, capital of Bolivia with discussions focussed on integration of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.... More

Caracas, August 25 (NNN-RHC) -- On Monday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro issued a decree to strictly ban the exportation of products that are on the list of the basic diet of Venezuelans.... More

Washington, August 25 (RHC)-- The United States is considering the possibility of sending 300 more troops to Iraq to provide additional security at American diplomatic installations, a senior U.S. official says. The anonymous government agent said that the U.S. State Department has made the request for additional troops. ... More

Santo Domingo, August 25 (NNN-RHC) -- One person has been swept away and 4,000 displaced when heavy rains from a newly forming tropical depression slammed into the Dominican Republic, authorities said.... More

San Francisco, August 25 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of California, the San Francisco Bay Area has been rocked by its strongest earthquake in 25 years. ... More
