Freetown, August 12 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization (WHO) has raised the Ebola outbreak death toll to 1,013 as the virus spreads through the West African countries. The WHO made the announcement on Monday via its website following the death of another 52 people between August 7th and 9th. ... More

Bogotá, August 12 (RHC) -- The leader of Colombia's largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), on Monday dismissed claims that a peace agreement with the Colombian government would be signed this year.... More

Baghdad, August 11 (RHC)-- The United States says it has carried out a fresh round of airstrikes against the positions of the ISIL Takfiri militants in Iraq. The U.S. Central Command said its fighter jets along with unmanned drones hit and destroyed armed vehicles and a mortar position belonging to the terrorists near the northern city of Erbil and Mosul On Sunday. ... More

Buenos Aires, August 11 (Mercopress-RHC) -- Argentina has its eyes set on the South Atlantic, and that includes the Malvinas Islands and the adjoining maritime spaces, said Daniel Filmus head of Argentina's Office on issues related to the Malvinas Islands.... More

New York, August 11 (RHC)-- Protests were held around the world over the weekend to voice solidarity with the people of the besieged Gaza Strip as the ongoing Israeli onslaught on the Palestinian territory claims more lives. ... More

Caracas, August 11 (Xinhua-RHC) -- The Venezuelan government has decided to close its border with Colombia at night beginning Monday, in a series of new measures to fight food and fuel smuggling, authorities said on Saturday.... More

Kabul, August 11 (RHC)-- More than two dozen people have been killed in two U.S. airstrikes in Afghanistan’s east and south. On Sunday, a drone attack in the eastern province of Nangarhar left at least five people dead and wounded at least two children. Earlier in the day, another airstrike in the southern province of Helmand claimed the lives of at least 21 people. ... More

Buenos Aires, August 11 (Mercopress-RHC) -- Strong hurricane-force winds blew off roofs, knocked down lamp posts and trees and left big areas of Ushuaia, Argentina and Puntas Arenas, Chile without power, according to reports from both cities in the extreme south of the continent.... More

Caracas, Aug 9 (Prensa Latina) The Venezuelan Prosecutor's Office this week issued a list of 116 companies under investigation for alleged inappropriate use of hard currencies, official sources said on Saturday.... More

Córdoba, Aug 9 (RHC), -- The Cordoba-based Dr. Ernesto Guevara Ophthalmological Center, headquarters of Operation Miracle in Argentina, is celebrating today ten years of continuous work.... More

Bogotá, August 8 (Xinhua-RHC) -- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was sworn in for a second four-year term in Bogotá on Thursday.... More

Washington, August 8 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has authorized air strikes in Iraq to halt the sweeping advance of militants known as the Islamic State. The group has captured large swathes of northern Iraq, including the country’s largest dam, near Mosul, and its largest Christian town. ... More

Gaza City, August 8 (RHC)-- A 6-year-old girl has been killed and several others were injured in fresh Israeli attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip. This comes as Tel Aviv’s warplanes hit several residential areas across the northern and eastern parts of the Gaza Strip on Friday. Palestinian sources say nearly a dozen people were also wounded in the deadly attacks. ... More

Geneva, August 8 (RHC)-- The World Health Organization has declared a record outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus an international public health emergency. Liberia and Sierra Leone have deployed soldiers to blockade hard-hit areas, and Liberia’s foreign minister told the Thomson Reuters Foundation "the health care system is collapsing." ... More

Santiago de Chile, August 8 (Mercopress-RHC) – Italian Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini pledged that under the current Italian presidency of the European Union, top priority will be given to signing the pending trade agreements, among which that with MERCOSUR is still under discussion. ... More
