Brasilia, August 8 (PL-RHC) -- The US/EU sanctions against Russia, which caused Moscow to impose retaliatory trade restrictions, have opened Brazilian doors to sales of meat and grains to that country, said Brazilian Secretary of Agricultural Policy, Seneri Paludo.... More

Gaza City, August 7 (RHC)-- The month-long Israeli aerial and ground offensive in the besieged Gaza Strip is estimated to have thus far cost the Palestinian territory at least $4.6 billion in damage. ... More

Maiduguri, August 7 (RHC)-- Islamist Boko Haram militants have attacked a town in northeastern Nigeria, killing dozens of people.... More

Buenos Aires, August 7 (RHC) -- Argentinian Economy Minister Axel Kicillof on Wednesday accused the United States of “lacking legal security” as his country was trapped in a protracted wrangle with a U.S. Court.... More

Moscow, August 7 (RHC)-- Russia has struck back against Western sanctions with a new ban on agricultural products from the European Union, United States and other countries. The one-year ban applies to fruit, vegetables and meat and dairy products. ... More

Brasilia, Aug 7 (RHC) -- Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff says that the trade agreement between MERCOSUR and the European Union is stalled because of 'resistance' from several European countries, specifically France, Hungary and Ireland.... More

Freetown, August 7 (RHC)-- In West Africa, authorities are struggling to contain a record Ebola outbreak that has killed more than 900 people and sickened more than 1,600. ... More

Mexico City, August 7 (Xinhua-RHC) -- Mexico will open the state-controlled oil sector to foreign investment for the first time since 1938 after the Congress gave final approval Wednesday to an historic energy reform.... More

Gaza City, August 6 (RHC)-- Palestinian residents of Gaza are returning to massive devastation on the second day of a 72-hour ceasefire. Estimates of the reconstruction costs run as high as $6 billion. More than 10,000 homes have been destroyed and more than 5,000 have seen major damage. ... More

Caracas, August 6 (RHC) -- Venezuelan Energy and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez on Tuesday said the country's energy sector has brought in 510 billion U.S. dollars in oil revenues since it was nationalized in 2003.... More

Washington, August 6 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has raised the prospect of new executive action on immigration reform after Congress failed to send him legislation. ... More

Buenos Aires, August 6 (Mercopress-RHC) -- The 83-year-old head of the Argentinian human rights movement which works to track down babies stolen by the country's brutal 1976-83 military dictatorship has found her grandson after a 35-year search.... More

Washington, August 6 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama is backing Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan in the face of calls for Brennan’s resignation. Brennan admitted last week that CIA officials spied on a Senate panel probing the agency’s torture and rendition program, months after he made an initial denial. ... More

Buenos Aires, August 5 (RHC) -- Argentina's Legal and Technical Secretary to the Presidency, Carlos Zannini, is overseeing a group of experts in international law as they draft the suit the government of President Cristina Fernandez will file against U.S. Judge Thomas Griesa. The judge recently ruled on full repayment to holdout bondholders at the International Court of Justice in the Hague. ... More

Santiago, August 5 (RHC) -- The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has lowered its economic growth forecast for the region to 2.2 percent, the UN agency said Monday.... More
