Geneva, June 28 (RHC)-- New figures show the number of refugees is at its highest level since World War II. The United Nations says more than 51 million people are displaced worldwide, half of them children.... More

Washington, June 27 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has asked Congress for $500 million to train and arm Syrian rebels. If approved, it would mark the most direct U.S. military role in the conflict to date, following more covert forms of support for the rebels. ... More

Caracas, June 27 (PL-RHC) -- Venezuelan Attorney General Luisa Ortega has denounced an attack against the headquarters of the Public Ministry in Caracas.... More

Washington, June 27 (RHC)-- In a decision Thursday, the Supreme Court struck down three appointments to the National Labor Relations Board made by President Barack Obama during a three-day Senate recess in 2012. ... More

Kabul, June 27 (RHC)-- In Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, a former finance minister and World Bank official, says he has won the presidential election.... More

Ottawa, June 27 (RHC)-- Canada’s Supreme Court has issued a landmark victory for First Nations who oppose the corporate exploitation of their land. In what has been hailed as the most significant indigenous rights case in Canadian history, the court gave the Tsilhqot’in First Nation title to nearly 700 square miles of land in British Columbia. ... More

Buenos Aires, June 27 (Mercopress-RHC) -- Argentina said that in five weeks it will restart operations at an enriched uranium plant as part of a peaceful pursuit of nuclear energy.... More

Detroit, June 27 (RHC)-- Activists in the U.S. city of Detroit have appealed to the United Nations over the city’s move to shut off the water of thousands of residents. The Detroit water authority says half of its 323,000 accounts are delinquent. It has begun turning off the taps of those who do not pay bills that total above $150 or that are 60 days late. ... More

Washington, June 27 (RHC)-- The Barack Obama administration is responding to the surge in child migrants with increased detention and speedier deportations. Thousands of children are being held in U.S. detention centers after fleeing violence and poverty in Central America. ... More

Buenos Aires, June 26 (PL-RHC) -- Latin America has joined Argentina in the dispute over so-called “vulture funds” and called for unity to avoid the plundering of natural resources in the region.... More

Baghdad, June 26 (RHC)-- Sunni militants have seized another Iraqi town just an hour from the capital Baghdad. Mansouriyat al-Jabal is home to four natural gas fields and is the latest in the north and west to fall under militant control.... More

United Nations, June 26 (Xinhua-RHC) -- Argentinian Minister of Economy Axel Kichillof said on Wednesday that the South American nation's financial state is "extremely serious."... More

Abuja, June 26 (RHC)-- At least 21 people have been killed and 17 wounded in a bombing at a shopping mall in the Nigerian capital of Abuja. The Nigerian government has blamed Boko Haram militants.... More

Caracas, June 24 (Xinhua-RHC) -- The Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) will work with the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to combat hunger and poverty in the region, ALADI Secretary General Carlos Alberto Alvarez said Tuesday.... More

Beijing, June 25 (PL-RHC) -- The upcoming visit to Cuba of President Xi Jinping will further deepen bilateral political ties and strengthen economic and friendship collaboration between the leaders of both countries.... More
