Baghdad, June 23, (RHC), -- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad on Monday for talks with Iraqi leaders on the Iraqi crisis as the country is trying to curb a Sunni blitzkrieg, an official television reported.... More

Buenos Aires, June 23, (RHC), – Member countries of the Mercosur Trade Bloc and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean states (CELAC) expressed support for Argentina and its ongoing litigation with the holdout hedge funds, particularly last week's decision from the US Supreme Court to dismiss the case, and the financial consequences emerging from such a position.... More

Jerusalem, June 23, (RHC), – The Israel Air Force launched attacks on nine Syrian military positions in the Golan Heights late Sunday night in response to a missile attack earlier in the day that killed a 13-year-old boy on the Israeli side of the border. ... More

Washington, June 23, (RHC), – US President Barack Obama says the Takfiri militants from the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), also known as ISIS, pose a “medium and long-term threat” to the United States.... More

Havana, June 23 (RHC) Current Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, from the ruling Workers’ Party (PT), is an official candidate to Brazil’s presidential elections slated to take place in October.... More

Yerevan, Jun 23, (RHC), – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has announced that Moscow supports efforts aimed at launching a national dialog in Ukraine.... More

Ramallah, June 21 (RHC)-- Two Palestinians have been killed in fresh Israeli raids in the occupied West Bank as Israeli forces press ahead with operations to find three missing Israeli settlers. Mohammed Dudin, a 15-year-old Palestinian teenager, was one of the victims, who according to Palestinian officials died early Friday.... More

Washington, June 21 (RHC)-- While the Barack Obama administration is sending up to 300 military advisers to fight against the Sunni uprising that has taken over large parts of Iraq, the U.S. president is also considering launching military strikes at the Iraqi government’s request.... More

Quito, June 20 (RHC) -- Ecuador Thursday called on the United Nations and other human rights agencies to defend the rights of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.... More

Washington, June 20 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama says that Washington will send up to 300 military advisers to Iraq, but without sending in ground troops. In a White House announcement on Thursday, the U.S. president said: "Armed forces will not be returning to combat in Iraq." ... More

Brasilia, June 20 (PL-RHC) -- Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff remains the favorite to get re-elected in October with 39 percent in vote intention, a survey by Ibope revealed. ... More

Caracas, June 20 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Latin America's armed forces are increasingly working together to ensure peace in the region and promote unity, Ecuadoran Defense Minister Maria Fernanda Espinosa said Thursday.... More

Ramallah, June 20 (RHC)-- New clashes have erupted in the occupied West Bank as part of an Israeli crackdown over the kidnapping of three teenagers. At least one Palestinian teenager was killed today when Israeli soldiers opened fire near Hebron. ... More

Montevideo, June 20 (PL-RHC) -- The first Uruguayan satellite, Antelsat, was launched into space Friday, on occasion of the 250th birthday of leader Jose Gervasio Artigas.... More

Islamabad, June 20 (RHC)-- A Pakistani military offensive against the Taliban has reportedly displaced tens of thousands of people. Agence France-Presse reports more than 90,000 have fled their homes in North Waziristan since last month. ... More
