Tegucigalpa, June 19 (PL-RHC) -- The Honduran National Commission for Human Rights (CONADEH) has confirmed that it will appeal to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in an attempt to support thousands of children who are still detained in the United States.... More

Brasilia, June 18 (RHC) –- Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff held talks on Tuesday with U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, in the first trip to Brasilia by a senior White House representative since the revelations of U.S. espionage against Brazil.... More

Baghdad, June 18 (RHC)-- Sunni militants have reportedly seized most of Iraq’s largest oil refinery after heavy clashes with government troops. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, is said to control 75 percent of the refinery in Baiji. ... More

Mexico City, June 18 (PL-RHC) -- Mexico reported that 102 journalists were killed since the year 2000, which makes the country one of the most dangerous to exercise this profession.... More

Washington, June 18 (RHC)-- The New York Times reports that the Barack Obama administration is considering a "targeted, highly selective campaign" air strike campaign against Sunni militants similar to its drone attacks in Yemen. ... More

Tripoli, June 18 (RHC)-- The United States has captured a suspect accused of masterminding the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stephens. ... More

Islamabad, June 18 (RHC)-- A suspected U.S. drone strike has killed at least five people in Pakistan. ... More

Tel Aviv, June 18 (RHC)-- Israel continues mass arrests in the Occupied Territories as part of a crackdown following the kidnapping of three teenagers in the West Bank. ... More

Vienna, June 18 (RHC)-- A senior Iranian nuclear negotiator has called on the six major world powers to remain "realistic" in the talks. Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi made the remarks at a press conference in the Austrian capital Vienna on Tuesday, the first day of the latest round of talks with the Sextet of world powers.... More

Caracas, June 18 (PL-RHC) -- Venezuelan Tourism Minister Andres Izarra highlighted the importance of developing the Manaos-Margarita Island axis to strengthen the movement of tourists from Brazil to Venezuela.... More

Washington, June 18 (RHC)-- Four former Blackwater Worldwide security guards, who were put on trial last week in the U.S. over the 2007 killings of Iraqi civilians, faced a jury in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia -- Washington, DC -- on Tuesday... More

Buenos Aires, June 17 (RHC-Agencies)-- Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez says her country refuses to go along with a U.S. judge's ruling requiring a USD 1.5 billion repayment of defaulted bonds.... More

Bogotá, June 17 (RHC-XINHUA) -- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos announced Monday that he would submit to Congress a constitutional reform plan that includes a ban on presidential re-election in exchange for an extended office term.... More

Washington, June 17 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has announced plans to deploy about 300 U.S. military personnel back to Iraq amid a widening crisis. In a letter to congressional leaders, Obama said the force will “protect U.S. citizens” and be equipped for combat. ... More

United Nations, June 17 (RHC-PL) -- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon pledged on Monday to continue supporting the government of President Juan Manuel Santos in his efforts to promote peace in Colombia.... More
