Port au Prince, June 14 (PL-RHC) -- A high-level commission from the UN and Haiti is targeting the elimination of cholera in Haiti where the disease has killed more than 8,300 people.... More

The Hague, June 14 (RHC)-- The International Criminal Court (ICC) has dismissed a final bid by Libya to try the son of slain leader, Mu-ammar Gaddafi, in the country. In a majority decision, a five-judge panel at the international court said that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi must be transferred to The Hague to face charges of crimes against humanity. ... More

Kabul, June 14 (RHC) -- The United States recently released ten Pakistani prisoners who were held at Bagram prison in Afghanistan for years without trial. ... More

Guayaquil, June 13 (RHC)-- Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa revealed on Thursday that a dialog between the Colombian government and that country’s National Liberation Army (ELN) got underway two months ago in the northern Ecuadorian province of Imbabura. ... More

Washington, June 13 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama says the United States is considering all options regarding the recent attacks by the al-Qaeda-linked militants in Iraq. From the White House, Obama said: "What we've seen over the last couple of days indicates Iraq's going to need more help." ... More

La Paz, June 13 (Xinhua-RHC) -- Bolivia has decided to remove its controversial maritime dispute with neighboring Chile from the agenda of the upcoming G-77 plus China Summit.... More

Paris, June 13 (RHC)-- Railway workers in France have held a protest rally and extended their strike for another day after their negotiations with the government ended without an agreement. ... More

Ramallah, June 13 (RHC)-- Families of Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli jails have gone on hunger strike to show their solidarity with the inmates, Press TV reports. ... More

Lima, June 13 (Andina-RHC) -- The head of Peru’s drug-fighting agency Devida, Alberto Otarola, said the country is on the right track to eradicate an estimated 30,000 hectares of illegally grown coca leaf this year.... More

Atlanta, June 13 (RHC)-- In the United States, a federal appeals court has ruled law enforcement agencies must seek a court warrant to obtain the location data of U.S. cellphone users. ... More

Washington, June 13 (RHC)-- A new report reveals the Barack Obama administration is pressuing local police departments to conceal information about powerful surveillance technology they are using to vacuum up cellphone data from entire neighborhoods. ... More

Lima, June 13 (Andina-RHC) -- Peru plans to allocate $2 billion USD for the construction of the Trans-Andean tunnel in order to eventually implement the country’s Central Railroad, the Transport and Communication Ministry (MTC) said.... More

New York, June 13 (RHC)-- The great actress, civil rights activist, poet, Ruby Dee has died at the age of 91. Her career as a performer spanned seven decades, beginning in the 1940s. ... More

Guayaquil, June 13 (RHC)-- Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa revealed on Thursday that a dialog between the Colombian government and that country’s National Liberation Army (ELN) got underway two months ago in the northern Ecuadorian province of Imbabura.... More

Caracas, June 12 (PL-RHC) -- President Nicolas Maduro said that he will take evidence of right-wing plots to assassinate him to international organizations and the United States, in an attempt to denounce the "dirty war" against Venezuela. ... More
