Lugansk, June 3 (RHC- RIA Novosti),-- Eight civilians have been reported killed after an explosion in Lugansk’s regional administration building as Kiev deployed fighter jets to the city in eastern Ukraine. ... More

Caracas, June 3 (PL-RHC), -- Executive Vice President of Venezuela, Jorge Arreaza, has pointed out the importance of the legacy of Bolivarian Revolution leader, Hugo Chávez on the lives of the people.... More

Madrid, June 3 (RHC-Agencies),-- Thousands of people came out across Spain on Monday evening to demand the abolition of the monarchy and a republican system of government.... More

Moscow, June 2 (RHC-Agencies)-- Russia called an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council Monday to introduce a resolution calling for an immediate halt to violence in Ukraine. ... More

Damascus, June 2 (RHC-Agencies)-- Syria entered Monday into a phase of “electoral silence” on the eve of the presidential elections to be held on Tuesday, June 3rd.... More

Ramallah, June 2 (RHC)-- After seven years of a bitter and at times lethal rivalry between the two main Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas, a historic Palestinian unity government has been sworn in, ending years of division.... More

Madrid, June 2 (BBC-RHC) – King Juan Carlos of Spain has announced his intention to abdicate, after nearly 40 years on the throne.... More

Montevideo, June 2 (Mercopress-RHC) -- Sunday's primaries in Uruguay decided the candidates of the four parties that will be disputing the presidential election on October 26th, with a run-off a month later if none of them manages 50% plus one of ballots.... More

Bangkok, June 2 (RHC-Agencies) -- Thailand’s military junta is compiling a list of emergency measures to prop up an economy that was already threatened by recession before the military took over in a coup d’etat last month. But along with working on the economy, the junta is also stepping up suppression of criticism and dissent.... More

San Salvador, June 2 (NNN-RHC) -- As a special envoy on behalf of Taiwan’s President Ma Ying-jeou, Premier Jiang Yi-huah congratulated El Salvador President, Sanchez Ceren, on his inauguration Sunday, a move the government believes will strengthen ties with the Central American ally.... More

Bogotá, May 31 (NNN-RHC), --Police drug enforcement strategies in Colombia that encourage a focus on arrest numbers are part of the continuing problems the country has in reducing the prevalence of drug addiction and its related criminal activity, according to a Colombia-based researcher.... More

Washington, May 30 (RHC)-- The U.S. National Security Agency is listening and recording almost every cellphone call in the Bahamas, an archipelago located in the Atlantic Ocean, leaked documents show.... More

Paris, May 31 (Mercopress-RHC), --French Finance Minister, Michel Sapin, praised Argentina’s agreement with Paris Club creditors, saying it highlights the country’s effort to “normalize its relations with creditors.”... More

La Paz, May 31 (NNN-RHC), -- On Friday, Bolivia inaugurated the first segment of the world’s highest cable car railway line in the world. The cable line is called Mi Teleférico, or My Cable Car. It carries passengers six miles and 13,000 feet above sea level between La Paz and its neighboring city, El Alto.... More

LIMA, May 31 (Andina-RHC), --Aiming to increase current bilateral trade from US$1.5 billion to US$2 billion between Peru and India, the South American nation is looking to take the proposal of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the newly-formed Narendra Modi government.... More
