La Paz, May 30 (NNN-RHC) -- Bolivian President, Evo Morales, inaugurated an international Women's Summit in eastern Santa Cruz in the lead up to the upcoming Group of 77 plus China Summit in June.... More

Washington, May 30 (Mercopress-RHC) -- The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation to impose sanctions on Venezuelans responsible for human rights abuses during anti-government protests, despite President Obama administration worries that they could threaten talks seeking to ease the unrest.... More

Cairo, May 30 (RHC)-- Egyptian General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is poised for an overwhelming victory in Egypt’s presidential elections, with partial returns showing him taking more than 90 percent of the vote. ... More

Caracas, May 29 (NNN-RHC) -- Venezuelan authorities said they uncovered a plot by opposition leaders, international financiers and officials backed by the U.S. State Department to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro and take over the country.... More

Baghdad, May 29 (RHC)-- Over 60 people have been killed and scores of others injured in the latest wave of violence hitting Iraq. Two car bomb blasts in the northern city of Mosul on Wednesday left nearly two dozen people dead, among them soldiers and medical staff. ... More

Moscow, May 29 (Mercopress-RHC) -- Argentina has been formally invited to take part in a BRICS summit to be held in Brazil next month. Moscow's Kremlin also ratified support to Buenos Aires in its long-standing dispute with the UK over the sovereignty of the Malvinas Islands.... More

La Paz, May 29 (PL-RHC) -- A "Women's Summit" will be held prior to the meeting of the Group of 77 plus China (G-77) in Bolivia to show the transformation of society to favor Bolivian women.... More

Lima, May 29 (Andina-RHC) -- Peru's Air Force (FAP) is expected to receive a delivery of eight new Russian-made helicopters in November, with an additional 16 to come in 2015, according to Peruvian Defense Minister, Pedro Cateriano.... More

Asunción, May 29 (PL-RHC) -- Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes vetoed a resolution approved by the local Congress, which increases the pension income for teachers, so teachers immediately announced the start of protests and emergency measures.... More

Port au Prince, May 29 (PL-RHC) -- A high-level commission from the UN and Haiti is targeting the elimination of cholera in Haiti where the disease has killed more than 8,300 people.... More

Lima, May 29 (Andina-RHC) -- Peruvian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at an annualized rate of 4.8 percent from January to March this year, Banco de Credito del Peru (BCP) has reported, citing figures released by the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) of Peru.... More

Tripoli, May 29 (RHC)-- Former Libyan General Khalifa Haftar has resumed airstrikes on the eastern city of Benghazi. A military jet carried out multiple raids against a militia camp in Benghazi on Wednesday.... More

Brasilia, May 29 (Mercopress-RHC) -- Brazil, Argentina and Chile presidents figure among the list of the 25 most powerful women in the world according to the latest release from Forbes.... More

New York, May 29 (RHC)-- During a major foreign policy speech on Wednesday, U.S. President Barack Obama said Washington would continue to use military force unilaterally "when our core interests demand it."... More

Washington, May 29 (RHC)-- The National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden has spoken out in his first interview with a U.S. television network. In his comments, Snowden rejected U.S. government attempts to dismiss his views by painting him as a "low-level analyst."... More
