Abuja, May 29 (RHC)-- More than 30 people have been killed in the Boko Haram’s latest attack in Nigeria. Militants struck a military base in the state of Yobe, killing dozens of government forces. ... More

Washington, May 29 (NNN-Xinhua) -- Four acoustic pings detected during the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 are not likely from the plane's black boxes, CNN quoted a U.S. navy official as saying on Wednesday.... More

Bogotá, May 28 (PL-RHC) -- In Bogotá, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos has pointed out that the intention of his rival in the presidential race, Oscar Ivan Zuluaga, to suspend the talks with the FARC guerrillas temporarily if he wins the election would end the peace process.... More

Washington, May 28 (RHC)-- The United States has advised its citizens in Libya to leave the North African country immediately with the crisis there deepening fast. The U.S. State Department issued the warning on Tuesday in its latest travel advisory for Libya, where militia battles have plunged the country into chaos.... More

La Paz, May 28 (PL-RHC) -- The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) will provide its full support to the Summit of the Group of 77 plus China (G-77), scheduled for June 14th and 15th.... More

Tripoli, May 28 (RHC)-- The United States is sending a warship with 1,000 Marines into the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Libya to boost the American forces already deployed in the region, a U.S. military official says.... More

Santiago de Chile, May 28 (PL-RHC)-- A majority of Chileans support President Michelle Bachelet's plan for Constitutional, educational, fiscal and electoral reforms, an opinion poll showed.... More

Cairo, May 28 (RHC)-- Egypt's electoral commission says about 37 percent of the country's eligible voters have cast ballots in two days of presidential election. According to electoral commission chief Abdel Aziz Salman, the turnout by the end of the second day on Tuesday stood at about 37 percent of the 53 million electorate.... More

Moscow, May 28 (PL-RHC) -- Important mutually-beneficial agreements are expected to be signed during the state visit to Russia this week by Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elías Jaua, according to a diplomatic source.... More

Caracas, May 28 (PL-RHC) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has appointed Luis Motta and Nicia Maldonado as state Ministers of the Strategic Integral Development Regions (REDI) Central and Guayana, respectively.... More

Washington, May 28 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama has announced the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan will continue until the end of 2016. On Tuesday, Obama said that the United States will maintain nearly 10,000 troops in Afghanistan after its formal combat mission concludes at the end of this year. The United States will eventually withdraw troops until only a small residual force remains after 2016.... More

Santa Barbara, May 28 (RHC)-- Thousands of people gathered at the University of California-Santa Barbara yesterday during a day of mourning for the victims of last Friday’s shooting and stabbing rampage. ... More

Winston-Salem, May 28 (RHC)-- In the United States, African-American author and poet Maya Angelou has died at age 86 in North Carolina, local media reported on Wednesday, citing her agent and a local official.... More

Bogotá, May 26 (RHC) – President Juan Manuel Santos and ultra-conservative Oscar Zuluaga will compete in a run-off vote following Colombia's presidential election Sunday, with peace talks with FARC rebels in Havana as the central issue.... More

Moscow, May 26 (RHC)-- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has expressed Moscow's readiness to have dialog with Ukraine’s newly-elected president, Petro Poroshenko. The top Russian diplomat, however, warned Kiev that pursuing its military operations against pro-Moscow protesters in the country’s eastern regions was a “colossal mistake.”... More
