Libya, May 13 (RHC)-- Libyan officials say at least 40 people have lost their lives after a boat carrying 130 migrants attempting to make it to Europe capsized last week off the country's shores.... More

Santiago of Chile, May 13 (RHC-PL) -- Chile leads the list of Latin American countries with increased consumption of alcohol, according to the most recent report of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the issue says. ... More

Dallas, May 13 (RHC)-- Texas is set to carry out the first U.S. execution since last month’s botched killing of a death row prisoner in Oklahoma. Robert James Campbell, a convicted rapist and murderer, is scheduled for death Tuesday evening. ... More

Caracas, May 12 (RHC) – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has strongly denounced U.S. sanctions against his government over alleged human rights violations. Maduro called U.S. lawmakers' bid for punitive measures against Venezuela as a “stupid idea.”... More

Abuja, May 12 (RHC)-- In Nigeria, the Boko Haram has released a video showing the first images of the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls since their abduction nearly one month ago. Nearly half of the almost 300 girls are seen on the tape, chanting what appears to be a verse from the Koran. ... More

Tehran, May 12 (RHC) – A political commenter says the United States is providing arms to the “terrorist organizations” that attempt to fuel the political unrest gripping Venezuela.... More

Washington, May 12 (RHC)-- The Nigerian government has faced criticism for a delayed response to the girls’ kidnapping. Both the U.S. and British governments are now accusing President Goodluck Jonathan of being slow to accept their offers of assistance. ... More

Mexico City, May 12 (RHC) – Mexico's rural police force is recruiting members of self-defence vigilante groups that have been established to fight local drug cartels in the western state of Michoacan.... More

United Nations, May 12 (RHC)-- A United Nations official has urged organizations and companies around the world to boycott products from Israel’s illegal settlements.... More

La Paz, May 12 (RHC-NNN) -- A group of Costa Rican business leaders want Bolivia to ship $500,000 worth of natural gas annually to the Central American country, Bolivian President Evo Morales said.... More

Sanaa, May 12 (RHC)-- The U.S. State Department says U.S. operatives in Yemen have killed two people in a failed kidnap attempt. A Special Operations commander and a CIA officer were apparently getting haircuts in the capital Sanaa last month when two armed militants tried to take them into captivity. It is unclear what the American operatives were doing in Yemen, but they’ve since left the country. ... More

Caracas, May 12 (RHC-ITAR-TASS) -- Venezuela “does not recognize and will not recognize as legal a government that emerged as a result of a state coup,” the Bolivarian Republic’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement over the weekend.... More

Quito, May 12 (RHC)-- A major Washington D.C. law firm has dropped out of a lawsuit against the oil giant Chevron for pollution in Ecuador’s Amazon rain forest. ... More

Ya son cerca de 500 los casos detectados en A. Saudita. No hay un tratamiento antiviral efectivo.

Ryad, 11 may (BBC).- Arabia Saudita lanzó este domingo su advertencia más severa hasta ahora sobre el posible vínculo entre los camellos y un virus que ha causado más de cien muertes en el país árabe.... More

Quito, May 10 (RHC) – Ecuador has called for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to leave the country by the end of September.... More
