Lima, May 6 (Xinhua-RHC) -- Latin America and the Caribbean have the widest wealth gap of any region on the planet, a UN official said Monday.... More

Abuja, May 6 (RHC)-- Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan says he has asked for international help toward finding the 276 schoolgirls kidnapped last month. The militant Islamist group Boko Haram is suspected of abducting the girls during a night raid on their northeastern hostel. ... More

Panama City, May 6 (Xinhua-RHC) -- The Panamanian government has designated a minister to coordinate power transfer to Juan Carlos Varela, who won Sunday's presidential poll.... More

Washington, May 6 (RHC)-- The Barack Obama administration has launched a review of execution procedures following last week’s botched killing of a death row prisoner in Oklahoma. ... More

Caracas, May 6 (Xinhua-RHC) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Panamanian President-elect Juan Carlos Varela have pledged to waste no time in normalizing relations and relaunching diplomatic, economic and trade ties cut off two months ago, Venezuela's Foreign Ministry has announced.... More

New Brunswick, May 6 (RHC)-- Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has cancelled an appearance at Rutgers University following a wave of campus protest. ... More

Panama City, May 5 (RHC) -- Juan Carlos Varela from the opposition Panamanian Party won the presidential election, Supreme Electoral Court President, Erasmo Pinilla, said on Sunday.... More

Havana, May 5 (RHC-Mercopress) -- The head of the Caribbean Public Health Authority (CARPHA), Dr James Hospedales, has declared the Chikungunya virus has reached epidemic proportions in the Caribbean. The mosquito-borne illness was first detected in the Caribbean in December 2013, in St Martin, and last week Antigua and St Vincent and the Grenadines became the latest countries to declare an outbreak.... More

Gaza City, May 5 (RHC)-- Hamas deputy leader Mussa Abu Marzuq says the Palestinian resistance movement will not recognize Israel, despite its recent unity deal with the Palestine Liberation Organization. At a news conference in Gaza City over the weekend, the Palestinian leader said that the Zionist state will never receive the recognition of Hamas.... More

Montevideo, May 5 (RHC) -- Uruguayan authorities have revealed how marijuana will be produced and sold legally in the country following the approval of the bill last December. Licensed pharmacies will sell the drug for approximately one U.S. dollar a gram with consumers allowed 40g a month.... More

Washington, May 5 (RHC)-- Reports of sexual assault in the U.S. military have increased 50 percent. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the rise means more victims are choosing to come forward following efforts to address the issue. ... More

Washington, May 5 (RHC)-- The White House has issued a report calling for limits on how U.S. companies like Facebook and Google apply the data they collect on users. In particular, the report expresses concern about how so-called big data could be used to entrench racial or gender inequality if people are denied opportunities based on digital snapshots. ... More

Merida May 3 (RHC). Vital issues to the Caribbean such as climate change, natural disasters, trade and air and maritime links were discussed at two summit conferences just concluded in the Mexican city of Merida. ... More

Cairo, May 3 (RHC) -- At least two people have been killed and dozens more injured in clashes between security forces and protesters in the Egyptian city of Alexandria. According to reports, Egyptians rallied in many cities across the country on Friday in protest against the government’s heavy-handed crackdown on dissent.... More

Kabul, May 3 (RHC), -- Afghan authorities say more than 240 people have died and over 200 others trapped following a massive landslide in Afghanistan’s northeastern Badakhshan Province. ... More
