Buenos Aires, April 24 (RHC) – Argentinean President Cristina Fernandez and visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a meeting Wednesday at the Government House in Buenos Aires, where they signed several trade agreements, including one for aerospace infrastructure.... More

Kabul, April 24 (RHC)-- A shooting at a hospital in the Afghan capital of Kabul has killed three U.S. doctors. The shooter is said to be an Afghan security guard who worked at the facility. Two others were reportedly wounded. ... More

La Paz, April 24 (RHC) -- Bolivian President Evo Morales Wednesday called on young people of Latin America to actively participate in the decision making and policy formulation process that could help the development of the region.... More

Tokyo, April 24 (RHC)-- Speaking on Thursday during a visit to Japan, U.S. President Barack Obama said Russia has violated the spirit of last week’s truce deal and warned it faces new U.S. sanctions. ... More

Kingston, April 24 (RHC) -- The Third Caribbean Development Roundtable meeting opened in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica, on Wednesday, focusing on heavy debt among the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean.... More

Washington, April 23 (RHC)-- The United States will send hundreds of troops to Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia over the coming days for joint war games, according to the U.S. Department of Defense.... More

Brasilia, April 23 (RHC) – A conference on Internet governance is set to start in Brazil in the wake of revelations about global spying activities by the United States.... More

Ramallah, April 23 (RHC)-- Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has renewed a warning to dissolve his government if peace talks with Israel fail. Abbas said Israel has deprived the Palestinian Authority of any real power while continuing to expand illegal settlements. ... More

Caracas, April 23 (RHC) – The Venezuelan government and opposition delegations have agreed to meet for a fresh round of talks.... More

Damascus, April 23 (RHC)-- International monitors say the removal of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile is nearly 90 percent complete. ... More

Buenos Aires, April 23 (RHC) -- Argentinean President Cristina Fernández will be meeting Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, and other authorities from the Asian giant on Wednesday to address bilateral trade and investment issues, local media reported.... More

Washington, April 23 (RHC)-- A U.S. military judge presiding over the case of a USS Cole bombing suspect has ordered the CIA to release tightly held secrets about its secret prisons overseas. ... More

Santiago de Chile, 23 April (PL - RHC)- Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, signed today a proposal to change the current binomial electoral system inherited from the dictatorship, which was called a thorn in the middle of the national democracy. ... More

Washington, April 23 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama is on a tour of the Asia-Pacific region in an effort to revive the “pivot” of U.S. military towards the region.... More

Caracas, April 22 (PL-RHC) --The Venezuelan government today begins a new offensive aimed at raising economic output, achieving full supply and ensuring fair prices to counter speculation and usury.... More
