Caracas, April 3 (RHC-Xinhua), -- Venezuelan authorities have arrested 18 suspects believed to be behind the recent wave of violent actions in the South American country, an official said on Wednesday.... More

MOSCOW, April 3 (RHC), -- Russia expected NATO to explain how the bloc's recent military build-up corresponded with existing bilateral agreements, the government said Thursday.... More

New Delhi, April 3 (RHC) -- Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has reportedly advocated for a "no first use" of nuclear weapons in a bid to cut down the nuclear dangers which may also pave the way for the elimination of atomic weapons.... More

Moscow, April 3 (RHC) – On Thursday, Russia cancelled zero export tax for natural gas it supplies for Ukraine. "I made a decision to cancel the government's decree No. 291 of April 30, 2010, taking into account that the (Russia-Ukraine) agreement has also been terminated," Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev told Alexei Miller, CEO of the gas company Gazprom, during a meeting.... More

Caracas, Apr 2 (RHC), -- Violent groups linked to the Venezuelan opposition on Tuesday set the Ministry of Housing in Caracas ablaze, putting the lives of 1200 workers at risk, said Housing Minister, Ricardo Molina.... More

Moscow, April 2 (RHC-Interfax), -- Russia said Wednesday neither Russia nor NATO would benefit from the Western alliance's decision to put on hold mutual cooperation.... More

Santiago, Apr 2 (RHC), – At least six people have been killed and several others seriously injured in Chile following an earthquake measuring 8.2 on the Richter scale in the country’s northern region.... More

Bangkok, April 3 (RHC) -- A bomb believed to be from the World War II period exploded in the Thai capital of Bangkok on Wednesday, leaving at least seven people dead and 19 others injured.... More

Tehran, April 2 (RHC) -- Experts from Iran and six major world powers will meet on Thursday for a new round of talks on Iran's controversial nuclear program, semi-official Fars news agency reported on Wednesday.... More

Brasilia, Apr 2 (RHC), – The Brazilian government's “More Doctors” program will have 13,235 health specialists in April to provide medical services to a population of 46 million Brazilians”, reported the country’s President, Dilma Rousseff.... More

Kiev, April 2 (RHC), -- The Ukrainian Parliament approved today, by 235 votes, a law authorizing foreign military units to enter national territory in 2014 to participate in multinational maneuvers.... More

Damascus, April 2, (RHC), -- At least three people were killed on Wednesday by multiple mortar attacks targeting the southern province of Sweida and the capital Damascus amid reports of intense fighting on the southern edge of Damascus, local media and witnesses said... More

Khujand, Tajikistán, April 2 (PL- RHC), -- Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, said today that the next International Conference on Security, to be held in Moscow, will favor discussion of regional and global views on the field.... More

Kuala Lumpur, Apr 2, (RHC), -- Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak, will meet with his Australian counterpart, Tony Abbot, for talks on recovering missing flight MH370 on Thursday, a statement released by the Transport Ministry said Wednesday.... More

Caracas, April 1 (RHC) -- Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua says the government is still waiting for the opposition to sit at the negotiation table, and is also praising the stance of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) in the face of the situation in the Latin American country.... More
