Brasilia, April 1 (RHC) – South American trade bloc Mercosur expects to present a joint proposal regarding tariff reductions to the European Union during a meeting next June, according to Brazil's Minister of Development, Trade and Industry, Mauro Borges.... More

Moscow, April 1 (RHC), -- A petition to US authorities was published on the White House's website on Tuesday, demanding they acknowledge the expression of the will of the Crimean people, who voted for reunification with Russia last month, Russian news agency RIA-Novosti reports.... More

Conakry, Apr 1 (RHC), – 'Doctors Without Borders' has warned that the Ebola outbreak in Guinea is an "unprecedented epidemic" that is dangerously widespread across the African nation.... More

Moscow, Apr 1, (RHC), –The Russian Foreign Ministry has warned Tuesday that Kiev’s previous attempts to move closer to NATO had strained ties with Moscow, as well as the relationship between Russia and the defense alliance.... More

La Paz, Apr 1 (RHC), -- The first Bolivian Telecommunications Satellite Tupac Katari starts commercial operations today, advised the director of the Bolivian Space Agency, Ivan Zambrana.... More

Caracas, March 31 (RHC) – A top Venezuelan military commander says the security forces have retaken control of the streets in the restive city of San Cristobal.... More

Havana, March 31 (RHC) – The Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC-EP) closed the 22nd round of talks in Havana after reaching agreement on the issue of illegal drugs.... More

Moscow, March 31 (RHC-RIA Novosti) -- The Russian parliament approved on Monday a bill terminating a number of agreements with Ukraine over the Black Sea fleet.... More

Santiago de Chile, March 31 (RHC) – Chilean President Michelle Bachelet on Monday submitted a proposed tax reform to congress, saying it would aid sustainable and equitable growth in Latin America’s wealthiest nation. ... More

Kuala Lumpur, March 31 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Malaysia pledged Monday that it will never give up until it finds out what happened to missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.... More

Mexico City, March 31 (RHC) – Mexico’s National Migration Institute says 370 migrant children have been found abandoned by traffickers crossing the country into the United States in one week.... More

Moscow, March 31 (RHC-RIA Novosti) – Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Monday Russia would launch a new ministry specially for the newly-absorbed regions of Crimea and Sevastopol.... More

Port au Prince, Mar 31, (RHC), – Thousands of opposition protests took to the streets this weekend in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, to rally against widespread corruption and mismanagement by the administration of President Michel Martelly.... More

Cairo, March 31 (RHC-Agencies)-- Egypt has set May 26th and 27th for the first round of presidential elections, following the ouster of former Islamist President Mohamed Morsi, the Supreme Presidential Election Commission (SPEC) said in a press conference on Sunday.... More

Violence Leaves 15 killed in Iraq

Baghdad, March 31 (RHC-Al Jazeera) -- 15 people were killed and 26 others wounded in separate attacks across Iraq on Monday, police and medical sources said.... More
