Moscow, March 19th (RHC) The Constitutional Court of Russia unanimously recognized the legitimacy of the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian Federation, which was approved by President Vladimir Putin and leaders of that peninsula at southern Ukraine. ... More

Washington, March 19 (RHC) -- U.S. President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned on Tuesday Russia's moves to formally annex Crimea.... More

Quito, March 19 (PL- RHC ) Experts from the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) will meet in the Ecuadorian capital next week to negotiate the creation of a regional body to solve controversial issues related to investment.... More

Caracas, March 19 (RHC ) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday that the United States government will be the most affected if it decides to impose economic sanctions on the South American country over the recent violent actions that had left 29 dead and over 400 injured.... More

Damascus, March 19 (RHC) -- Syria's Foreign Ministry has slammed the U.S. administration on Wednesday for suspending Syria's diplomatic mission in Washington, calling it an "arbitrary measure. "... More

Buenos Aires, March 19th (RHC ) -- Argentina and Brazil agreed on Tuesday to strengthen joint coordination in fight against trafficking in human beings, and provide assistance and protection to the victims of this crime.... More

Buenos Aires, March 19th (RHC ) -- Argentina and Brazil agreed on Tuesday to strengthen joint coordination in fight against trafficking in human beings, and provide assistance and protection to the victims of this crime.... More

Geneva, March 19th (RHC) Children are starving to death in besieged Syrian towns and villages according to the International Commission of Inquiry looking into human rights violations in the country.... More

Kuala Lumpur, March 19 (Xinhua) -- Malaysia will send a high-level working team to Beijing to deal with issues related to the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner, acting transport minister said on Wednesday.... More

Hebron, March 19 (RHC) -- Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian teenager in the West Bank city of Hebron on Wednesday, medical sources and witnesses said.... More

Caracas, March 19 (RHC) -- The Venezuelan government said on Tuesday it was breaking commercial ties with Air Canada a day after the airline suspended flights to Caracas citing security reasons.... More

New Delhi, March 19 (RHC) -- India will not support Western sanctions against Russia over Crimea, unless such sanctions are approved by the United Nations Security Council, local TV CNN-IBN quoted Ministry of External Affairs officials as saying on Wednesday.... More

MOSCOW, March 19 (Xinhua) -- Moscow on Wednesday accused Western countries of violating the Budapest Memorandum which guarantees Ukraine's territorial integrity.... More

Moscow, March 18 (RHC-Agencies) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin and leaders of Crimea signed a treaty on Tuesday accepting the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol as part of the Russian territory.... More

Caracas, March 18 (RHC) -- Venezuelan authorities on Monday took over Altamira Square in the eastern Caracas district of Chacao from violent protesters.... More
