Sepang, March 18 (RHC-Bernama) -- The search and rescue (SAR) operation for the missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370 has taken on a new international dimension covering the so-called Southern and Northern Corridors - a total of 2.24 million square nautical miles.... More

Moscow, March 18 (RHC-RIA Novosti) -- Moscow blasted the U.S. and European Union's decision to impose sanctions against a list of Russian politicians, the country's legislative body heard on Tuesday.... More

Vatican, March 18 (RHC-MERCOPRESS) -- Argentine President Cristina Fernández has criticized what she dubbed a “double standard” from Britain, which on the one hand condemned the Crimea referendum and on the other hand supported the presumed right of Malvinas residents to hold a vote on their future.... More

Montevideo, March 18 (RHC-NNN) -- Uruguayan foreign minister Luis Almagro confirmed that a delegation from Unasur (Union of South American Nations) is ready to sponsor dialogue towards solving the current situation in Venezuela, as was agreed upon at the recently held meeting of the bloc's foreign ministers in Santiago de Chile.... More

Tehran, March 18 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif said Monday that a new round of nuclear talks with the world powers scheduled for Tuesday would focus on uranium enrichment in the Persian Gulf nation. ... More

Islamabad, March 18 (RHC-KUNA) -- At least 13 people were killed and over 30 others wounded as a suicide attacker detonated an explosive-laden vehicle in a market place of northern Faryab province of Afghanistan on Tuesday, officials said.... More

La Paz, Mar 17 (Prensa Latina) The reconstruction plan for the areas affected by natural disasters in Bolivia will incorporate a medium-term development strategy, the Development Planning Minister, Viviana Caro said today.... More

Tel Aviv, March 18 (RHC) Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon reiterated that his country must lead a military operation against Iranian nuclear facilities. ... More

Caracas, March 18 (RHC) The Venezuelan National Assembly (Parliament) called its first session in March with public attention focusing on the agenda at the center of debates by the lawmakers.... More

Simferopol, March 17 (RHC-Agencies) -- The Crimean parliament Monday declared independence from Ukraine, after latest official results show an overwhelming 96.77 percent of Crimean voters chose to join Russia in Sunday's referendum.... More

Kiev, March 17 (RHC)-- Ukrainian authorities and some Western countries including the United States, France, Germany and Britain have dismissed the referendum as "illegal," saying it violates the country's constitution.... More

Caracas, March 17 (RHC-AVN) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has proposed the establishment of a commission for "peace and mutual respect of sovereignty" between the United States and the South American country to start a dialogue to re-establish diplomatic ties.... More

Gaza, March 17 (RHC-WAFA) -- Palestinian political and popular powers and factions on Sunday called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas not to surrender to any pressure exerted on him during his Monday's meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama scheduled for the White House.... More

Gaza, March 17 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Israel reopened its commercial crossing with Gaza on Sunday after a three-day halt to allow fuel into the enclave, a Palestinian official said.... More

Damascus, March 17 (RHC-Xinhua) -- On Sunday, Syrian Defense Minister Fahed Jassem al-Fraij visited Yabroud city, north of the capital Damascus, hours after the military forces recaptured the town from the armed rebels, the official SANA news agency reported.... More
