Tehran, March 17 (RHC-Xinhua) -- UN-Arab League joint special representative to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi arrived in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Sunday. He is there to hold talks with a number of Iranian officials on the Syrian crisis, the state IRIB TV reported.... More

New York, March 17 (RHC-UN) -- Latin America's trade with China will surpass that with Europe in the next two years, according to a United Nations study. There are also predictiions that it will eventually eclipse its trade with the United States.... More

Lima, March 17 (RHC-ANDINA) -- Peruvian President Ollanta Humala travelled to the eastern part of Lima region on the weekend to inaugurate a maternal and child health center in the rural district of San Antonio in Huarochirí province.... More

Moscú, 16 mar (bbc).- El jefe de la Comisión Electoral de Crimea, Mykhaylo Malayshev, afirma que 44% de los electores han depositado sus votos en el referendo para decidir si la península debe separarse de Ucrania y unirse a Rusia... More

Caracas, March 15 ( RHC-Agencies) -- Venezuela's top prosecutor on Friday accused the U.S. government of attempting to finance the ongoing violent actions by the right-wing opposition.... More

Washington, March 15 (RHC-Commondreams)-- Unsuccessful talks between Russia and the U.S., increased Russian troop presence, and a pending referendum vote bring continued uncertainties and tensions as the crisis in Ukraine continues to unfold.... More

Caracas, March 15 (RHC-AVN) -- Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro expressed gratitude to the government of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos for renewing its call for respect for Venezuela's democracy.... More

Simferopol, March 15 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Foreigners from 21 countries will be present during Sunday's referendum as international observers, said the chief of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea commission on preparing and holding the All-Crimean referendum.... More

Kuala Lumpur, March 15 (RHC)-- Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Saturday that no conclusive evidence shows missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was hijacked.... More

Damascus, March 15 (RHC) -- Syrian troops have started to storm the rebels' key town of Yabroud, north of the capital Damascus, with "heavy and focused" shelling, local media reported on Friday night.... More

Ramallah, March 15 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas began on Saturday a visit to Washington where he is scheduled to meet on Monday with U.S. President Barack Obama to discuss the stalled peace process with Israel.... More

Cairo, March 15 (RHC-NNN) -- At least six Egyptian soldiers were killed when unknown gunmen stormed a checkpoint on Saturday in a suburb north of Cairo, state news agency MENA reported.... More

United Nations, March 15 (RHC-Commondreams)-- A United Nations panel called out the United States' litany of human rights failures as the U.S. sought to defend its reputation by saying that an international treaty outlying human rights doesn't apply to its military operations abroad.... More

Geneva, March 14 (RHC) -- The death toll from violent unrest in Venezuela has reached 28, with 365 others injured, according to a top government official.... More

London, March 14 (RHC)-- U.S. surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden says American and British spy agencies are expanding a massive program of malware infection. New documents revealed by Snowden show that the program will potentially target millions of computers worldwide.... More
