Russian press highlights Cuba's medical solidarity with COVID-19

Edited by Ed Newman
2020-04-20 11:40:39


Moscow, April 20 (RHC)-- The Russian press on Monday highlighted the solidarity shown by Cuba in offering the service of its doctors to other nations, amid the scourge of the SARS CoV-2 coronavirus, responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.

The realization in practice of the idea of mutual humanitarian aid completely changes the basis of the world political system, considers in a commentary the RIA Novosti agency.

It is no coincidence that some states prefer more significant losses, as long as they refuse to accept some help from forces that are uncomfortable for them, in order to keep a hard position in the attempts to impose their hegemony, as the case of the United States, points out that way.

Perhaps this explains why Washington considers aid offered by Cuba unacceptable, even though the Caribbean nation's emergency systems have repeatedly proven to be much more effective than those of the United States, says RIA Novosti.

The Russian media believes that COVID-19 is imposing new codes of collaboration in the world, when a China that was hit in January by the pandemic receives tons of aid and doctors from Russia, and then the Asian giant does the same in March and this month with this nation.

The attitude of Russia and China seems to be trying to implement a new model of humanitarian aid, when in almost all nations there are affectations, but mutual support is developing, regardless of the size or the economy of the country that receives or delivers the loads.

Washington, on the other hand, shows itself to be the country that clings to maintaining its hegemonic positions and exposes unorthodox practices such as hijacking cargoes of medical products destined for other nations, says the media.

Recently, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, denounced that the White House is dedicated to preventing Cuba from buying artificial respiration devices in the northern country, while it sanctions companies that should bring medical aid to the largest of the Antilles.

All this happens when Cuba sends its doctors to other nations, including Western powers such as Italy, in addition to having medical personnel in more than 60 countries, many before the appearance of COVID-19, Lavrov said. 


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