More than 200 personalities call for Cuba-US-Canada medical collaboration

Edited by Ed Newman
2020-04-29 17:18:55


Washington, April 29 (RHC)-- More than 200 doctors, academics, elected officials and other figures are supporting a campaign calling for collaboration between Cuba, the United States and Canada to fight the coronavirus, according to the initiative's promoters.

The proposal, launched this month by the Cuba solidarity networks in the United States and Canada, is titled the "Campaign to Save Lives," and calls for medical, clinical and scientific cooperation among the three nations in the midst of the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic.

It also calls for the incorporation of Cuba's recombinant Alpha 2B interferon into clinical trials in the U.S., Canada and the World Health Organization.

The initiative demands that the U.S. administration end its economic and travel sanctions against Cuba, including their extraterritorial nature, and stop attempts to prevent other nations from accepting brigades and medical assistance from Cuba.

In a statement released Wednesday, the solidarity networks said that at this time, when the planet is facing a pandemic and human lives are at risk, solidarity and collaboration are essential.  "No source of life-saving expertise can be left out in the fight against this new disease," the statement added, referring to COVID-19.

According to the campaign's website, among the figures who support it are actors Danny Glover, Ed Harris, and Martin and Janet Sheen; film director Oliver Stone; former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark; U.S. councillors Jeanne Kohl-Welles and Teresa Mosqueda; and Canadian MP Niki Ashton.

Also supporting the proposal are the Revs. Joan Brown Campbell and Albert Pennybacker; Andrew D. Coates, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry at Albany Medical College; graduates of the Latin American School of Medicine in Havana; and some 40 organizations.

Michael Osterhohn, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota and one of the most respected health experts in the United States, supports the call, including Cuba's Interferon Alpha 2B in clinical trials.


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