Cuban president says U.S. moves from silence to slander

Edited by Ed Newman
2020-05-14 12:14:05


Havana, May 14 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel said that the United States "went from silence to insult" by not responding to the attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington and then accusing the island of not cooperating in the fight against terrorism.

"Immoral!  The U.S. is breaking its record of cynicism and moving from silence to outrage by including #Cuba on the spurious list," he wrote on his personal Twitter account.   "Washington accuses the victim nation of not cooperating against terrorism.  The United States lies and offends because it cannot respond with the truth without accusing itself," Diaz-Canel added.

The White House announced the day before that it had reinstated the Caribbean nation on the list of nations that "do not cooperate with anti-terrorism efforts," while maintaining silence about the attack on Havana's diplomatic headquarters in Washington.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez on Wednesday called the list "spurious," while regretting that the United States does not condemn or answer questions about the terrorist attack on the Cuban embassy in Washington, DC on April 30th.

For his part, the U.S. director general of the Cuban Foreign Ministry, Carlos Fernández de Cossío, stressed on Twitter that there is a long history of terrorist acts committed by the U.S. government against his country.  Many of these actions are carried out with the complicity of the authorities and individuals and organizations that carry out these actions from U.S. territory, the diplomat said.

The U.S. State Department includes Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Syria and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on its list of countries that "do not cooperate fully" with its anti-terrorism efforts.  The text states that based on these regulations, the sale or licensing of defense articles and services to these states is prohibited.

Cuba had not been on that list since 2015, when it was removed by the Barack Obama administration after being on the infamous list for 33 years.


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