Cuban doctors in Italy praised at virtual conference in Rome

Edited by Ed Newman
2020-05-20 14:20:04


Rome, May 20 (RHC)-- With the title "Cuba, Antidote to the Virus: Cuban Internationalism Against COVID-19", a virtual round table conference was held, organized by the Rome branch of the National Association of Italian-Cuban Friendship (Anaic) and the organization Patria Socialista (PS).

The colloquium was presided over by Marco Papacci, secretary of the capital's organization and vice-president of the Anaic, with the participation of Anaic and PS directors and the minister-counselor of the Cuban embassy in Italy; Jorge Luis Alfonzo, the chief of the medical brigade working in the city of Crema; Carlos Ricardo Perez, and from Havana, with the head of the international editorial staff of the Granma newspaper, Raul Capote.

The president of the Italian solidarity group, Irma Dioli, said that for Cuba international cooperation is a strategic priority and an essential component of its foreign policy, based on important values such as solidarity and humanism.

The national secretary of the PS, Igor Camilli, pointed out that the gratitude goes beyond the Henry Reeve Contingent, to reach Cuba and its people, who "have helped us because of their humanity, in a historic gesture because this is the first time they have come to Europe's aid."

Alfonzo addressed the principles on which Cuba has provided and received aid since the triumph of the Revolution and stressed that solidarity and internationalism are not only part of the Constitution and foreign policy of his country, but also of the life of every Cuban.

The panelists taking part in the virtual on-line conference praised the Cuban health system and the altruism of the Revolution, despite the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by Washington for almost six decades.


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