Twitterstorm today for Children's Day

Edited by Ed Newman
2020-07-17 08:38:40


Havana, July 17 (RHC)-- A tweet for "those who know how to love" will shake up cyberspace this morning, as a prelude to the celebration of Children's Day, which Cuba celebrates every year on the third Sunday of July.

"Our children have infinite reasons to be happy and that is what we want them to share on Twitter and other social networks," said Rosa María Ramírez Montero, member of the National Bureau of the Young Communist League, the UJC, and president of the José Martí Pioneers Organization.

In statements to the press, she said that the first and most powerful reason is to be Cuban, children of a people who take care of them and do everything with their well-being in mind and defend their right to a full life and real participation in the life of the nation and the work of the Revolution

An excellent example of this is the date of this celebration, chosen not for, but by the children, who were consulted by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, in an unparalleled exercise in democracy, during a meeting in Lenin Park, in the Cuban capital, with pioneers from all over the country, in July 1974.

#Cuba and Happy Childhood will be the labels for today's tweet, which will begin at 10 a.m., said Ramírez Montero, and she predicted a flood of messages, reflections, comments, phrases, verses, photographs and videos, which will flood the social networks.

The official said that, in order to reach everyone, the celebration will begin this Friday, when the organization that groups and represents Cuban children and adolescents will knock on the doors of the schools of integral formation and homes for children without family protection to bring a message of love.

As for what will happen on Sunday, he said that, just as in this "Summer for Life," it will be the neighborhoods, the community, the main stage of the party, and that each Cuban municipality and even each popular council will do their part, because the idea is that, without going too far from home, children and adolescents will find options for happiness and enjoyment.

Children's parks and other recreational centers and facilities will welcome the children and also the adults, because more than ever this has to be a family celebration, with love, responsibility and strict compliance with the hygienic-sanitary measures in force in each territory for the post-COVID-19 recovery, she stressed.


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