Job Fair in Cuba's provinces recognized for success

Edited by Ed Newman
2023-12-09 10:33:58


Havana, December 9 (RHC) -- Cuba successfully held a massive job fair to promote access to stable and quality jobs, which contributed to reducing informality in the labor market, the press said today.

With that purpose, the head of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS), Martha Elena Feitó, had announced in her social networks the initiative, which had the participation of companies, agencies and non-state forms of management of the economy.

Likewise, representatives of the provincial and municipal directorates of the MTSS, local authorities, and members of political and mass organizations were also present at the meeting sites in the Cuban provinces.

In these scenarios, employers from state and private companies, entities and enterprises offered job vacancies and training courses to people who are no longer studying or working, with emphasis on those who live in vulnerable communities.

In the far east of the island, some 518 employers in the province of Guantánamo offered more than 2,200 jobs, which contributed to reduce the unemployment rate in this territory, Cuban News Agency (ACN) reported.

The opportunity also served to present options for the continuation of studies for those who interrupted their secondary, pre-university, technical or higher education, which will allow them to have access to a higher quality job.

According to ACN, in Guantánamo, the job fair became a celebration of culture, knowledge and labor rights for local citizens (Source: Prensa Latina). (Source: Prensa Latina)


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