Defeating crime:  A political battle that cannot be postponed

Edited by Ed Newman
2024-07-04 06:56:53


Havana, July 4 (RHC) -- The VIII Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, which will meet on July 5 and 6, will have as one of the main topics on the agenda the critical analysis of compliance with the actions aimed at the prevention and confrontation of corruption, crime, illegalities and social indisciplines, expression of the political will of the leadership of the Revolution to assume them as a strategic priority of the country.

Our Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz described it, in 1993, as "a political battle", key to maintaining firm revolutionary combative morale, and Army General Raúl Castro Ruz has taught us that this cannot become "just another campaign." , but in a permanent movement, whose evolution will depend on the ability to mobilize the population and the different actors of each community, without excluding anyone, with rigor and political intentionality.

Faithful to the legacy of our historical leaders, the 8th. Party Congress, held in April 2021, ratified the need to strengthen the role of the organization and its members, with their participation, support and control in all actions to prevent and confront phenomena and demonstrations that constitute a threat to the National security. The partisan event called for champions of the battle against corruption, dishonest ways of acting, abuse of power, favoritism and double standards.

The implementation and compliance of the political, governmental, preventive, confrontation, legal-operational, criminal, penitentiary and communication actions, developed since then, have made possible the current containment of some more serious criminal types, and have prevented situations from being generated. serious contingency.

The Ministry of the Interior has continued to strengthen its ministerial integration systems for the prevention and confrontation of crime, people with antisocial or risky behavior and their actions, having as priority the municipality, the popular council and other areas of interest, in which Operational potential, preventive-prophylactic actions, technological tools and maneuvers with the forces and means of the institution are combined.

This is articulated with the measures adopted by the Attorney General's Office and the People's Supreme Court to increase the rigor and severity in the legal, criminal and penitentiary treatment of those accused, accused or sanctioned, especially in criminal figures of greater harm to the society.

The courts punished 96% of the people tried for unlawful acts against life, those associated with corruption, drugs, gender violence, the illegal slaughter of livestock and trafficking of their meat, against the authorities, property, among others.

The actions of the Prosecutor's Office in the control of legality, and of the Comptroller General of the Republic in the correct and transparent administration of public funds and superior control over administrative management, were directed towards activities and sectors of greatest importance for the country.

The Party has reinforced attention, control and permanent evaluation of the issue at all levels, and has even incorporated it as a priority in the evaluation of the performance of organizations and their members. The Young Communist League, student organizations, youth movements, unions, social and mass organizations have taken concrete steps to join in and make themselves felt more strongly.

For its part, the Government has worked on the implementation and compliance of the General Directives for the prevention and confrontation of crime, corruption, illegalities and social indiscipline by agencies, national entities, provincial governments and municipal administration councils, making them correspond with the measures to correct distortions and re-boost the economy.

However, it is necessary to continue fighting to achieve a reduction in crime and its complexity in certain cases, in which acts of violence are observed, which reflect aggressiveness and recklessness that are generally manipulated or magnified in subversive campaigns, through digital social networks.

The Commander in Chief showed us the scope and strategic significance of sowing values ​​to immunize new generations against the challenges of neoliberal globalization, cultural colonization and economic, commercial, financial and media war. He warned that educating is "sowing values, ethics and revolutionary ideals", and "education is the most powerful weapon that man has to create responsibility, ethics, a sense of duty, discipline, solidarity", " Without education there is no revolution," he noted, and "the Revolution can only be the daughter of culture and ideas."

Being consistent with their legacy means betting on the comprehensive formation of values ​​in children, adolescents and young people, which requires special attention from training organizations, community factors, society in general and greater demands on the responsibility of families. , as well as correcting the insufficiencies and deviations of these processes.

Likewise, there is a need to carry out in-depth, objective analyzes and propose concrete, comprehensive, systematic and energetic solutions in the municipal Administration Councils, to prevent and confront crime, corruption, social indiscipline, illegalities, and find solutions. –without delay– to people disconnected from study and work.

Communication actions in the media, organizational and community spheres must contribute more effectively to preventive-prophylactic work, promoting a culture of respect for the law and social coexistence and rejection of transgressive behavior, without sensationalism or superficialities.

As has been ratified in the main analyzes carried out by the Political Bureau, the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Party, the Council of Ministers, the National Assembly of People's Power, the control visits to the territories and other leadership events, it must be deepened and make the prevention and confrontation work of administrative institutions more effective, eliminate fissures in the control environment, identify in time and combat without hesitation the risks and weaknesses in the control of resources.

The times demand exemplary and ethical actions from managers, officials and other workers; demand, responsibility and rigor of administrations in the control and protection of resources; act with a strong hand in applying measures to those directly and collaterally responsible for the detected or known problems. Comprehensiveness and coordination of prevention and social care actions in the communities are required; raise revolutionary vigilance and combativity and popular control.

The Party has considered it urgent to improve and strengthen, in the short term, the state oversight and inspection mechanisms, to make them correspond to the profound changes derived from the diversification of economic actors and the complexities of the country's current situation. It has called us to an effective confrontation with the abusive and speculative prices of goods and services. All of this, without a doubt, will contribute to prevention and maintain a climate of order, legality and governability, which complement criminal actions.

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, has called on us to "develop a confrontation against illegals, crooks, lumpen, lazy and corrupt, in favor of our people and for tranquility." and the honest development of our society.

The call is for unity, cohesion and revolutionary firmness in defense of social well-being and the sacred conquests of the people, such as security and citizen tranquility, consolidated and preserved over 65 years, despite permanent aggressions, to the genocidal blockade and wars of all kinds by the United States governments to try to destabilize, suffocate and overthrow the Revolution.

The report that will be debated at the VIII Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Party concludes, precisely, with the strategic thinking of the Commander in Chief, when on January 5, 1999, on the 40th anniversary of the National Revolutionary Police, he stated:

"Today, without abandoning other tasks, without absolutely abandoning a single revolutionary task, including the defense of the homeland with weapons in hand if the time comes, there is the fundamental task, of enormous economic and political significance, of fighting and defeat crime. Defeating crime does not mean the dream that crime disappears from the face of our society, but rather reducing it to that minimum expression that is incapable of economically, seriously, and politically, also seriously, hitting the Revolution."  (Source: Granma)


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