Demonstrations against Washington's blockade of Cuba take place in cities across the United States and around the world

Edited by Ed Newman
2024-10-27 20:13:48


Washington, October 28 (RHC) -- Demonstrations in New York, Los Angeles and other cities in the United States took place Sunday, with a view toward the upcoming annual vote in the UN General Assembly on a resolution calling for lifting the blockade of Cuba.

The mobilization in New York City condemned the blockade of Cuba and demanded an immediate end to this irrational policy, which the government of that nation has maintained for more than six decades.

For its part, the "Hands Off Cuba" Committee of Los Angeles held a march and rally against the U.S. blockade. 

The Committee announed that there were international protests in more than 65 countries and 35 cities in the United States to demand the end of the blockade and the removal of Cuba from Washington's list of alleged terrorist nations.  "The unilateral siege of successive US governments "has exacerbated the economic situation in Cuba by denying it (among others) access to oil from other countries and spare parts to repair its electrical grid," the Los Angeles organization's message emphasized.

It also recalled the impact in recent days of Hurricane Oscar in eastern Cuba, which puts pressure on the limited resources of the Caribbean island.

"The criminal blockade must end. Humanitarian aid must be allowed to reach Cuba,” the Committee concluded.


The expressions of support precede the vote that will take place for the thirty-second time in the UN General Assembly on the Resolution Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.

The annual debate will take place on Tuesday, October 29th and Wednesday, the 30th, at the United Nations in New York.


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