Vatican City, February 10 (RHC)-- In remarks at the Vatican, Cuban Cardinal and Archbishop of Havana, Jaime Ortega, welcomed the dialogue between Cuba and the United States to re-establish bilateral diplomatic relations.
Cardinal Ortega said that the world is undergoing a terrible crisis and he added that he hopes that the message about the thaw of relations can help influence the whole world.
“The wall of distrust that separated the United States and Cuba looked indestructible. History looked stalled. But nothing is impossible,” said the prelate in his remarks.
“Thanks to the efforts by Pope Francis, on December 17th we saw the end of a period of time that looked endless,” said Ortega in reference to the work by the Pope in order to help the beginning of contacts between Washington and Havana.
Patience, dialog and perseverance led to a new time for both nations, a time of encounter and dialog, he noted and went on to say that dialogue is the carrier of good for all. “My heart is full with hope for the future of the Cuban people and I'm happy to share this joy.”
Although the White House announced measures to ease travels to Cuba and grant export licenses, the U.S. still maintains its economic, commercial and financial blockade of the island.