International Press Focuses on Obama's Visit to Cuba

Edited by María Luisa
2016-03-21 12:57:07


Moscow, Mar 21 (RHC-PL) The world highlighted Monday the importance of the official visit to Cuba of US President Barack Obama as perhaps the most important trip during his entire term in the White House.

In Russia, the newspapers Kommersant,  Rossikaya Gazeta, Tass, Interfax and Ria Novosti news agencies, and radio and the TV station Rossiya 24 are covering the US president's trip and his tour of Old Havana.

They view the US president's visit as "one of the most important achievements of the Obama administration's foreign policy,” and complement their reviews with the statements by Russian Ambassador to Cuba Mikhail Kamynin, who assured that the resumption of relations between Cuba and the United States was a unequivocal victory of Cuba's diplomacy.

Obama is the first US president who has paid an official visit to Cuba in nearly 90 years, TASS news agency reported when covering Obama's arrival in Havana on Sunday and reviewing Cuban-US relations and the effects of the more than half a century economic, financial and commercial blockade.

The impact of the visit has also made headlines in French media, which said that the presence of the US president in Cuba has a historic significance.

Le Figaro underlines that it was an unconceivable scenario some years ago, while Le Monde points out that Obama arrived in Cuba to make the rapprochement between the United States and Cuba "irreversible".

The local station BFM TV notes that it is the first US president who has visited Cuba since 1959 (the triumph of the Cuban Revolution) and The newspaper L'Humanité published an article entitled "Cuba: Welcome, Mr. President Obama".


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