Havana, June 16 (RHC) Cuban president Raul Castro returned home on Monday after having participated at the Summit of the Group of 77 plus China, held June 14 and 15 in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz.... More

Santa Cruz, June 16 (RHC) -– UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon praised Cuba's role as host and observer of the ongoing peace talks in Havana between Colombia’s government and the country’s largest rebel group, the FARC.... More

Santa Cruz, June 16 (RHC) -– Cuban President Raul Castro met with several heads of state on the sidelines of the G-77 Summit in Bolivia yesterday.... More

Santiago de Cuba, June 16 (RHC) -– Residents of the eastern Cuban province of Santiago de Cuba, on behalf of the entire Cuban people, paid tribute to Carlos Manuel de Céspedes –- the Father of the Cuban Homeland -- at the monument where his mortal remains are kept at the Santa Ifigenia cemetery. Sunday's solemn ceremony was on occasion of Fathers' Day. ... More

Paris, June 16 (RHC)-- The General Secretary of the Confederation of Cuban Workers (CTC) Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento affirmed in Paris that in many parts of the world, the prevailing capitalist crisis has done away with worker's gains achieved over many decades.... More

HAVANA, June 16 (RHC) Cuban president Raul Castro called on the Group of 77 plus China, whose summit was held June 15 and 16 in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz, to join efforts and close ranks in order to build a fairer world.... More

Santa Cruz, Bolivia, June 14 (RHC) Cuban president Raul Castro called on Saturday for the building of the Greater Homeland and the defense of Latin American and Caribbean Unity.... More

Havana, June 14, (RHC), -- Cuban authorities reported the identification of 11 people who were preparing a, presumably illegal, departure from the island with support from abroad, in which four citizens were murdered.... More

Havana, June 14, (RHC), -- The president of the National Assembly of People’s Power, Esteban Lazo Hernandez, announced the parliament will hold the third session of its Eighth Legislature on July 5.... More

Matanzas, June 14 (PL-RHC), -- Specialists are working to reduce the effects of climate change on Cuban coastal areas by increasing the culture of environmental awareness in communities and educational institutions, an official said.... More

Havana, June 14 (PL-RHC), -- A masterly lecture titled "Cuba''s Civil Defense System, Fifty Years of Learned Lessons" will open sessions of the 9th International Congress on Disasters, to be held at the Havana Convention Center on June 16-20.... More

Havana, June 14, (RHC), -- Cuban vice-president, Miguel Diaz-Canel, visited a group of social works being developed in the western province of Artemisa, venue of the upcoming 26 of July national celebrations.... More

Havana, June 13 (RHC) Cuban president Raul Castro arrived in Bolivia on Friday afternoon to participate at the Summit of the Group of 77 plus China, to take place June 14 and 15 in the city of Santa Cruz.... More

Paris, June 13 (RHC)-- A top executive of France’s BNP Paribas Bank has been forced into retirement amid a dispute involving a 10 billion dollar fine that Washington intends to impose on the financial institution in an extraterritorial action for having violated U.S. sanctions against Cuba, Sudan and Iran. ... More

Miami, June 13 (RHC)-- Some 53 percent of citizens in the U.S. state of Florida support the lifting of the over-50-year U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba, according to a recent poll by Public Policy Polling.... More
