Mayabeque, March 4 (RHC)-- In an effort to boost preventive actions against the outbreak of diseases with the upcoming rainy season in May, community organizations and the Health Ministry will implement an island-wide campaign to educate people in the application of sanitation and hygienic measures. ... More

Havana, March 4 (RHC)-- Cuban doctors in East Timor are drawing up a comprehensive strategy to fight cancer based on records of the disease collected by the medical brigade in that country and with the contribution of human resources trained in Cuba.... More

Ciego de Avila, March 4 (RHC)-- Cuban and foreign medical students in the central-eastern province of Ciego de Avila produced a multimedia work to pay homage to Bolivarian leader Hugo Chavez on the first anniversary of his death. ... More

Washington, March 4 (RHC)-- The leader of the U.S. Baptist Alliance, Carol Blythe, urged U.S. President Barack Obama to release the three Cuban prisoners who are still serving unfair prison sentences for having monitored U.S.-based terrorist organizations. ... More

Havana, March 3 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro insisted in the need to critically and constructively analyze the ongoing process aimed at updating the country’s economic model, which must involve the active participation of all officials and leaders from the base to the top government levels. ... More

Havana, March 3 (RHC)-- The traditional humidor auction that closed the 16th Habano Cigar Festival in Havana collected more than 798,000 Euros -- some one million, 100,000 dollars, which were dedicated to the Cuban health system. ... More

Havana, March 3 (RHC)-- Fernando Gonzalez, one of the five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters imprisoned in 1998 in the United States and who was the second of them to return home on Friday, thanked Cuban young people for their support of their cause. Fernando spoke to a huge crowd at a music concert Saturday evening on the stairs of the University of Havana.... More

Tehran, Mar 3, (RHC), – An Iranian parliamentary team has embarked on a six-day trip to Cuba and Venezuela despite attempts by the US to disrupt the visits by denying its airspace to the Russian plane carrying the lawmakers, Press TV news channel reported.... More

Havana, March 2, (RHC) Fernando Gonzalez, one of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters imprisoned in 1998 in the United States, and who was the second of them to return home on Friday, thanked the Cuban youths for their permanent support of their cause, during a music concert launched Saturday evening at the stairs of the University of Havana.... More

Havana, March 2, (RHC) The traditional humidor auction that closed the 16 Habano Cigar Festival in Havana collected over 1.1 dollars, which were dedicated to the Cuban health system. One of the humidors auctioned and dedicated to the Romeo and Juliet cigar brand, appears on the picture ... More

Havana, March 1 (RHC) -- Cuban President Raul Castro met on Friday afternoon with one of the Cuban Five heroes, Fernando Gonzalez, who arrived in the Cuban capital after completing a long and unfair prison term in the United States.... More

Caracas, March 1 (RHC) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Friday congratulated the Cuban people for the return of Fernando González Llort, one the Cuban Five anti-terrorist fighters. ... More

Beijing, March 1 (RHC) -- An event was held Friday in Beijing to promote the Cuban tourism offer. The meeting, attended by professionals and business people linked to the sector, included several presentations. ... More

Havana, March 1 (RHC) -– The crew of the Viktor Leonov intelligence ship, part of the Russian navy fleet, laid a floral wreath on Friday at the monument to Soviet Soldiers in Havana, where the vessel recently docked on a friendly visit.... More

Havana, February 28 (RHC) -- The Cuban anti-terrorist fighter Fernando González Llort arrived Friday noon in Cuba after completing a long and unjust prison sentence in the United States.... More
