Havana, February 11 (RHC)-- Ukrainian scientists and executives have expressed their interest in Cuban cancer medications produced by the Havana-based Labiofam pharmaceutical company.... More

Havana, February 11 (RHC)-- University authorities from Cuba and Spain further debated on Monday current cooperative relations with a view to further expanding such links.... More

Brussels, February 10 (RHC)-- The European Union's Council of Foreign Ministers gave the green light on Monday to negotiate an accord for political dialog with Cuba. The European ministers adopted the decision for talks with Havana as a non-debate point on their meeting's agenda, according to diplomatic sources.... More

Miami, February 10 (RHC)-- Charlie Crist, former governor of the U.S. state of Florida, has described as an “ineffective relic” Washington's economic and financial blockade of Cuba, saying that the measure should be lifted.... More

United Nations, February 10 (RHC)-- South Africa's permanent representative at the United Nations, Jeremiah Nyamane Kingsley, said that Cuba's support and commitment to just causes around the world can only raise admiration. “We will never forget Cuba's contribution to the defeat of apartheid and its support of African nations,” the South African representative told Prensa Latina news agency.... More

San Salvador, February 10 (RHC)-- Nearly one hundred Salvadorian medical doctors, graduates of Havana’s Latin American School of Medicine, have participated in the first meeting of the newly-created Association of Medical Professionals Graduated in Cuba.... More

Havana, February 10 (RHC)- The 9th International University Congress, underway in Havana until Friday, February 14th, is being attended by renowned personalities, such as Brazilian theologian Frei Betto, Nobel Peace laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel and Argentinian political analyst Atilio Boron.... More

Havana, February 10 (RHC)-- The Caribbean Community CARICOM plans to open a trading office in Cuba, according to a statement by the Guyana-based CARICOM Secretariat.... More

Havana, Feb 8, -- Dozens of parliamentarians from around the world will joined an international court hearing, to take place March 7 and 8 in London, which will address the case of the five Cuban antiterrorists who were given unfair prison sentences in the US.... More

Havana, Feb 8, - The role of higher education in today’s complex world will be in the spotlight of the University 2014 International Congress, to take place in Havana next week with the participation of over 3,000 representatives of 60 countries.... More

Havana, Feb 8, -- Experts from six nations have expressed their interest in taking part at the 10th International Forum on Organic and Sustainable Agriculture, which will take place May 21 to 24 in the western Cuban locality of Varadero.... More

Havana, Feb 8, -- The secretariat of the Latin American and Caribbean Continental Student Organization, known by its Spanish accronyms OCLAE, will meet in Havana February 10 to 15, in which young people will ratified their vital postulate for this region which expresses that education is not merchandize. ... More

Moa, February 7 (RHC) -- The Vice President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Ramiro Valdes Menendez, inaugurated on Thursday the first generator of the new diesel electrical plant in the municipality of Moa, located in the province of Holguin.... More

Pretoria, February 7 (RHC) -– The government of South Africa on Friday stressed its interest in continuing to develop cooperation programs with Cuba.... More

Washington, February 7 (RHC) -- A large group of world renowned figures have expressed their support of an upcoming five-day campaign to be held in Washington to demand the release of the anti-terrorist Cuban fighters unfairly imprisoned in the United States.... More
