More Chinese Tour Cuba

Beijing, April 14 (RHC), – A total of 22,200 trips from China to Cuba were made in 2013, up 18 percent year-on-year, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Sunday, citing latest data from the Cuban embassy in China.... More

Havana, April 13 (RHC) President Raul Castro met on Sunday with Salvadorian President-elect Salvador Sanchez Ceren, who is paying a working visit to Cuba.... More

Havana, April 13 (RHC) French foreign minister Laurent Fabius said that his visit will mark a higher stage in bilateral relations with Cuba and expressed his government’s willingness to participate in the development of Cuban economic sectors such as energy, tourism, education, culture.... More

Havana, April 12, (RHC), – France’s foreign minister Laurent Fabius is travelling to Cuba on Saturday, the first such visit in over three decades and a sign of improving ties between the European Union and Havana.... More

Havana, April 12, (RHC), – A delegation headed by the president of the Cuban Friendship Institute (ICAP), Kenia Serrano, wound up a visit to Vietnam after meeting on Friday with members of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee. ... More

Havana, April 12, (RHC), – Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi will visit Cuba as part of a Latin American tour next week which also includes Venezuela, Argentina and Brazil. ... More

Havana, April 12, (RHC), – The Cuban program of anti-vectorial struggle to control malaria and other diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, rats and mice continues with successful results in 18 Angolan provinces, the Cuban coordinator of the program said Friday. ... More

Washington, April 11 (RHC), -- On Thursday, the US Senate ordered a probe into Zunzuneo, the so-called Cuban Twitter, and asked the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to hand in all information on that subversive program against Cuba.... More

Lisbon, April 11 (RHC), -- Portugal General Workers’ Confederation, the largest union organization in the country, urged US President Barack Obama to release the three antiterrorist Cubans who are still serving prison sentences in the United States.... More

Havana, April 11 (RHC), -- Cuban authorities invited foreign entrepreneurs in the construction field to invest in the Mariel Harbor Special Development Zone.... More

Havana, April 11 (RHC), -- The Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC) today opened its eighth national congress, focused on strengthening the nation's rich cultural heritage.... More

Havana, Apr 11, (RHC), – Cuban sugar holding company, Azcuba, is planning to install up to 19 biomass power plants in the island, local officials announced.... More

Havana, April 11 (RHC), – The upcoming visit to Cuba by French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, on Saturday will be the first one by a high-level government official from that country in the past 30 years and it reveals the common will to re-launch bilateral relations between Paris and Havana.... More

Havana, April 11 (RHC), – Cuban health workers will lead the massive march that will be staged at Havana’s Revolution Square to mark International Workers Day on May 1st.... More

La organización cultural promueve los valores culturales en el mundo

París, 11 abr (PL) Andorra y Cuba avanzaron en la Unesco en el proyecto conjunto Una cruz de piedra en el mundo, para rendir homenaje a Jacint Verdaguer, uno de los más grandes poetas en lengua catalana.... More
