Havana, Apr 7 (RHC), – The Hermanos Saíz Association that gathers the vanguard of young Cuban writers and artists on Sunday issued a communique rejecting recent attempts by the government of the United States to destabilize the Cuban government through political manipulation of the island's younger generations.... More

Havana, Apr 7 (RHC), – International tourist arrivals to Cuba rose 7 percent in January and February to 636,146 travelers, accounting for 21 percent of the 3 million visitors the Caribbean nation expects to receive this year.... More

Washington, April 5 (RHC), -- The five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters, serving long sentences in U.S. jails, have been granted the People’s Choice Human Rights Award 2014, the rights organization Global Exchange announced.... More

Havana, April 5 (RHC), -- Representatives from the governments of Cuba and Antigua and Barbuda vowed to strengthen bilateral ties, during a ceremony on Friday marking the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between both Caribbean nation... More

Havana, Apr 5 (RHC), – The first Haitian solidarity to Cuba brigade " Antenor Firmin " in its second day of exploring Pinar del Río, as activists are visiting places of economic and historical interest of Viñales, declared by UNESCO Cultural Landscape.... More

Havana, Apr 5 (RHC), – Representatives of 160 national and foreign firms will attend the 10th International Construction Fair (FECONS) that will be opened on Tuesday at this capital’s PABEXPO showground.... More

Havana, Apr 5 (RHC) – U.S. Academician, Sandra Levinson, asked President Barack Obama on Thursday to pardon three Cuban antiterrorists incarcerated in her country for 15 years now for preventing the execution on the island of violent plans.... More

Havana, Apr 5, (RHC), -- With the purpose of strengthening exchanges and cooperation in the field of sports, Cuba and Kazakhstan signed on Friday a cooperation agreement in Astana, capital of the latter.... More

Havana, Apr 4, (RHC), – The information released in an Associated Press article on Thursday confirms the reiterated denunciations made by the Cuban government, reads a statement by the Cuban Foreign Ministry referring to the revelations about recent plans by Washington to destabilize the island.... More

Paris, Apr 4, (RHC), -- French Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, will travel to Cuba on April 12 in what will be the first visit by a French foreign minister to the Caribbean nation in three decades, diplomatic sources in Paris announced.... More

Havana, Apr 4, (RHC), -- President Raul Castro met with the chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander I. Bastrykin, who is visiting the island.... More

HAVANA, Cuba, Apr 4 (acn), -- The Spanish media company Lleida.net expressed its willingness to provide the necessary information about its participation in the project ZunZuneo, a social network created by the U.S. government to promote opposition in Cuba. ... More

Havana, Apr 4, (RHC), – The United States illegally spent over one and a half million dollars in a so-called ZunZuneo social network aimed at promoting a regime change in Cuba, financed by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).... More

Havana, Apr 4, (RHC), – The quality and effectiveness of the teaching-educational process in Cuba is one of the best experiences the members of the Colombian project Aulas Hermanas (Twin Classrooms) had after visiting schools in Las Tunas for the first time.... More

Havana, April 3 (RHC) -- The U.S. created a text-message social network designed to foment political dissent and unrest in Cuba, according to an investigation by the Associated Press news agency.... More
