Pretoria, September 3 (RHC)-- South Africa Minister of Health Zweli Mkhize acknowledged Wednesday the importance of the Cuban Medical Brigade in his country’s fight against the Coronavirus pandemic.... More

Havana, September 2 (RHC)-- The Peruvian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mario López, confirmed in Lima his country's support for Cuba's candidacy as a member of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council.... More

Havana, September 2 (RHC)--Cuba's top leaders sent today to their counterparts in Vietnam messages of congratulations and friendship on the 75th anniversary of the proclamation of independence of this country.... More

Havana, September 2 (RHC)---Cuban Ministry of Public Health informed Wednesday that three people died in Cuba due to COVID-19 and that 61 people tested positive for the disease in that last 24 hours.... More

The Declaration of Havana was the reply of the people of Cuba and of the exploited millions of Latin America to the Declaration of San José, signed on August 28, 1960 by the foreign ministers of the governments belonging to the Organization of American States which participated in the Seventh Conference of Consultation of Foreign Ministers, held at San José, Costa Rica.... More

National and International news, with an update of the COVID-19 epidemic in Cuba and around the world. As of this Tuesday, Havana is applying a series of measures to reinforce the confrontation against the disease.... More

Havana, September 1 (RHC)-- The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Planning, Alejandro Gil Fernández, reported on the impacts of Tropical Storm Laura that hit the country between August 23 and 25, causing damage mainly to agriculture, electricity, communications, and housing.... More

Havana, September 1 (RHC)—Cuba rejected Tuesday efforts by foreign actors to interfere in the internal affairs of Belarus.... More

Havana, September 1 (RHC)—The National Director of Epidemiology of the Public Health Ministry commended the School Year's resumption in many parts of Cuba. He urged students, parents, and staff to abide by the necessary hygiene measures to guarantee a smooth course.... More

School year resumes in Cuba

Havana, September 1 (RHC)-- This Tuesday, the 2019-2020 school year is resuming. After five months of waiting, most of the country's territories will continue the school year without neglecting the necessary hygienic measures imposed by the threat of COVID-19.... More

Havana, September 1 (RHC)-- As of this Tuesday, Havana is applying a series of measures to reinforce the confrontation of COVID-19. The capital continues to be the epicenter of the epidemic in Cuba. Of the 558 active cases in the country, 380 are from the city.... More

National and International news, with an update of the COVID-19 epidemic in Cuba and around the world.... More

The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Public Health Ministry, Dr. Francisco Duran Garcia, said that 59 people were diagnosed with COVID-19 on the island over the last 24 hours.... More

Havana, August 31 (RHC)-- Several Cuban airports have received the necessary certification to reopen international air travel.... More

Havana, August 31 (RHC) After a week of follow-up to the first volunteers, the research team of the Cuban vaccine candidate against Covid-19 is delivering this Monday the files to the regulatory entity to request going up to the next step of the clinical trial in phase I.... More
