Havana, June 25 (RHC)-- The development of the first phase of Cuba's recovery, which has begun throughout the country except in the capital, augurs well for the success of the country's strategy against COVID-19.... More

Havana, June 24 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said that the alleged promotion of U.S. values has historically been a pretext for attacking other nations... More

Havana, June 24 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel said Wednesday that the Caribbean nation and Venezuela need not read former national security advisor John Bolton's book to attest to the cynical and immoral policies of the United States.... More

Havana, June 24 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there was only one new case detected of COVID-19, for a total of 2,319 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Havana, June 24 (RHC)-- Havana is the only province in the country that has not passed to phase one of the recovery stage of COVID-19.  A total of 102 confirmed active cases of the new coronavirus remain in the province, three of them yesterday, and most of them with a known source of infection; two open local transmission events; an incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants of 5.20 in the last 15 days and tending to decrease in that period; and a reproductive rate of the disease of 0.62.... More

(Photo: Yaciel de La Peña Peña)

Las Tunas, June 23 (RHC)-- The Hero of the Republic of Cuba and National Vice-Coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, CDR, Gerardo Hernández, received this Tuesday the Coat of Arms of the City of Las Tunas, which he valued as an eternal debt of gratitude with the people of this territory.... More

Vienna, June 23 (RHC)-- The Austria-Cuba Friendship Association (OKG) highlighted the solidarity of the Caribbean nation with other countries and paid tribute to one of the main figures of the revolutionary process on the island -- Ernesto Che Guevara.... More

Havana, June 23 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel described as a lie and invention of those who spread the word that the government of the Caribbean nation is asking for money in view of the difficulties caused by the COVID-19.... More

Havana, June 23 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were three new cases detected of COVID-19, for a total of 2,318 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Havana, June 23 (RHC)-- The temporary working group for the prevention and control of COVID-19, led daily from the Palacio de la Revolucion by President Miguel Díaz-Canel and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, approved the passage of the province of Matanzas to phase one of the first stage of the recovery -- with which only the capital of the country remains to enter.... More

Havana, June 22 (RHC)-- Two vital sectors in the country's economic life -- industry and energy-mining -- were discussed on the Mesa Redonda Monday evening on Cuban radio and television.... More

Photo: Archive

Matanzas, June 22 (RHC)-- The temporary working group for the confrontation of COVID-19 in Cuba, headed by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel, has decreed the first phase of the recovery for the province of Matanzas.... More

Rome, June 22 (RHC)-- The humanism, professional quality and vocation of solidarity of the Cuban health workers who are helping to face the COVID-19 in Italy were the central themes of a virtual round table held this Monday in Rome.... More

Kingston, June 22 (RHC)-- The Association of Cuban Residents in St. Vincent and the Grenadines "Juan Almeida Bosque," supports the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Henry Reeve Cuban Medical Brigade, in recognition of their exemplary humanitarian work in the face of pandemics and natural disasters over the past 15 years and especially in confronting the current pandemic of the COVID-19.... More

Havana, June 22 (RHC)-- The indicators that express the behavior and evolution of COVID-19 in Havana over the past the past several days confirm a positive evolution of the epidemiological situation, which if maintained, will allow that the province to move to phase one in the next 15 days -- the first stage within the program designed for the return to normalization.... More
