Havana, June 10 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel spoke on Wednesday during the High Level Conference on Economy, Finance and Trade in the framework of the COVID-19, convened by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America-Treaty of Commerce (ALBA-TCP).... More

Havana, June 10 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 6 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 2,211 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Havana, June 10 (RHC)-- The Council of Ministers is examining this Wednesday, in an extraordinary session, measures proposed by the Political Bureau of the Communist Party to advance in a first stage in the Cuban economic recovery after COVID-19.... More

Havana, June 10 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel participates today in the High Level Conference on Economy, Finance and Trade in the framework of the COVID-19, convened by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America-Treaty of Commerce (ALBA-TCP).... More

Havana, June 9 (RHC)-- The First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party, Army General Raul Castro, presided over a meeting of the organization's Political Bureau on Tuesday, which analyzed the proposals aimed at the country's recovery in the post-COVID-19 period.... More

Ciego de Avila, June 9 (RHC)-- The president of the Italy-Cuba Friendship Association, Irma Dioli, confirmed the support of her organization for the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Henry Reeve Cuban Medical Contingent.... More

Havana, June 9 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez will participate in the "High Level Conference on Economy, Finance and Trade in the Framework of COVID-19" -- convened by the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America - People's Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP).... More

Havana, June 9 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel has reiterated his heartfelt admiration and infinite affection for doctors, whom he called "heroes in white coats."... More

Havana, June 9 (RHC)-- The Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez, highlighted that his country is maintaining a successful confrontation with COVID-19, by counting 10 days in a row without deaths.... More

Havana, June 9 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 5 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 2,205 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Havana, June 9 (RHC)-- Shortly before the plane that brought home the 52 medical workers who saved lives in Italy landed on Cuban soil, Cuban government leaders checked the situation with COVID-19, as they do everyday.  ... More

Havana, June 8 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel received the returning medical brigade that served in Italy for two months.  Upon their arrival at the Jose Marti International Airport, the 52 doctors and nurses that saved lives in northern Italy were welcomed as heros.... More

Havana, June 8 (RHC)-- The first Cuban medical brigade of the Henry Reeve Contingent which served for two months in northern Italy has returned victorious to Havana.  They arrived Monday evening at 6:50 p.m. at the Jose Marti International Airport after a nearly 10-hour flight from Milan-Rome.... More

Havana, June 8 (RHC)-- Manuel Marrero Cruz, Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, expressed his appreciation for the brigade of Cuban doctors who are members of the Henry Reeve Internationalist Contingent.  They arrive this evening in Havana after fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in Lombardy, Italy.... More

Paris, June 8 (RHC)-- Cuba denounced on Monday, at the sixth extraordinary session of UNESCO's Executive Board, the obstacle that the U.S. blockade represents to its efforts to confront COVID-19.... More
