Biomodulin T manufactured by the company BioCubaFarma.   (Photo: Twitter/ @EdMartBCF)

Havana, May 31 (RHC)-- In the fight against COVID-19, Cuba is implementing drug-based protocols developed for other pathologies, one of which uses Biomodulin T, a drug originally produced to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the elderly.... More

Havana, May 31 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 20 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 2,045 positive cases across the island.  ... More

(Photo: Ricardo López Hevia/ Granma)

Havana, May 31 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel says that to the same extent that residents of Havana cooperate more, support more, and behave in a more responsible way, the country will move forward.... More

Havana, May 30 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez reiterated the island's full support for the World Health Organization (WHO) and rejected the decision of the U.S. government to end its relationship with that entity and withdraw its financial support.... More

Havana, May 30 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 20 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 2,025 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Didier Philippe, President of France Cuba, an association founded in 1962 and one of the oldest of its kind in Europe.

Paris, May 30 (RHC)-- The France Cuba association has condemned the inclusion of the island on the unilateral U.S. list of countries that do not fully cooperate with its anti-terrorist efforts, which it considered a pretext for escalating Washington's aggression.... More

United Nations, May 29 (RHC)-- The terrorist attack against the Cuban embassy in the United States is a direct result of the hostile policy of the U.S. government against the island.  In a letter released Friday, addressed to the President of the UN General Assembly, Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, Cuba recalled that on April 30th, Cuban citizen Alexander Alazo Baró fired 32 projectiles from a semi-automatic assault rifle against the embassy in Washington D.C., where 10 officials were inside the building.... More

Havana, May 29 (RHC)-- The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, regretted that the international media excluded the Caribbean island among the nations with the best response to the confrontation of COVID-19 in the region.... More

Havana, May 29 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel denounced that the silence of the U.S. government concerning the aggression against the Cuban embassy in Washington, DC is evidence of its complicity in the events.... More

Havana, May 29 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 22 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 2,005 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Tegucigalpa, May 29 (RHC)-- The three main political forces in Honduras and two other parties in the National Congress coincided in a unanimous pronouncement to thank the Cuban medical brigade for its solidarity work against COVID-19 in that country.... More

Havana, May 28 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said Thursday that his country condemns the interference of the United States in China's internal affairs.... More

Rome, May 28 (RHC)-- A group of nine Italian senators presented a motion that commits the government to promote in all forums the lifting of the U.S. blockade against Cuba.  ... More

Havana, May 28 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel recalled the thoughts of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, when he highlighted the strength of the people against imperialism.... More

Havana, May 28 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 9 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 1,983 positive cases across the island.  ... More
