Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, who is now the almost certain Democratic candidate for the November presidential elections, has expressed his support for resuming the rapprochement with Cuba initiated by the Barack Obama administration.... More

Paris, April 28 (RHC)-- The French association Cuba Linda has called for the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the Henry Reeve medical brigades, deployed in more than 20 countries to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.  ... More

Havana, April 28 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez called on Tuesday to increase the perception of risk in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.... More

Havana, April 28 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 48 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 1,437 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Havana, April 28 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel called on Tuesday to honor health workers during the May 1st International Workers' Day celebrations.... More

Havana, April 28 (RHC)-- According to the dean of the Mathematics Faculty of the University of Havana, Raúl Guinovart Díaz, COVID-19's peak is expected to take place next week in Cuba.... More

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- The Cuban Ministers of Public Health of Foreign Trade and Investment along with the Deputy Minister of Health in charge of international cooperation appeared on the prime time TV program La Mesa Redonda, The Round Table.  ... More

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- Since the announcement of the regulations on travel to and from Cuba, a measure adopted by Cuban authorities as part of the National Plan for the Prevention and Confrontation of COVID-19 as of March 20th, more than 2,000 Cubans have returned to national territory, by air and sea, from more than a dozen countries.... More

Videos of the journalist’s arrest were released on social networks showing how he was forced into the police van.  (Photo: Twitter @PaoladrateleSUR)

Santiago de Chile, April 27 (RHC)-- Cuban news agency Prensa Latina’s reporter Damian Trujillo was detained Sunday in Santiago de Chile during a protest marking the day on which the country’s constitutional referendum would have taken place, had it not been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.... More

London, April 27 (RHC)-- More than 20 thousand pounds sterling (about 25 thousand U$D) were raised by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC) in the United Kingdom to help the Caribbean island fight the COVID-19 pandemic.... More

Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, thanked his Cuban counterpart, Miguel Díaz-Canel, for responding to his call in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, and expressed that they will always be grateful to the Cuban people.... More

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- Top authorities of Havana's Provincial Defense Council, Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, and Reinaldo García Zapata, president and vice president, respectively, toured on institutions in the capital linked to the health system that are in the front line of the fight against COVID-19.... More

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 20 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 1,389 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel has called on the Cuba people to sing the National Anthem at eight o'clock in the morning on Friday, May 1st, to celebrate International Workers' Day.... More

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- Some 1,450 Cuban health specialists have traveled to various countries in recent weeks to contribute to the confrontation of COVID-19, a pandemic that affects the vast majority of nations around the world.... More
