Díaz-Canel urges increased food production in Cuba

Havana, April 27 (RHC)-- The Cuban government insists on converting agriculture into the main source of food in the Caribbean nation, which today imports a significant part of its food.  This was reiterated by President Miguel Díaz-Canel at the last meeting of the Food Program review. ... More

Percival James Patterson served as Prime Minister of Jamaica from 1992-2005. (Photo: Cuban Ministry of Affairs)

Kingston, April 27 (RHC)-- The former Prime Minister of Jamaica Percival James Patterson acknowledged Cuba's international assistance in tackling the global COVID-19 pandemic.  The former head of state was quoted in a statement issued by the PJ Patterson Center for Africa-Caribbean Policy Advocacy of the University of the West Indies (UWI). ... More

Havana, April 26 (RHC)-- The Cuban Amateur Radio Federation has announced the gradual incorporation of its provincial affiliates to a May Day radio parade based on creativity from homes or essential jobs in the face of the scourge of the new coronavirus.... More

Cuban Ambassador to Colombia Jose Luis Ponce.   (Photo: El Espectador)

Bogota, April 26 (RHC)-- The Cuban ambassador to Colombia, José Luis Ponce, responded to the slanderous statements by journalist Salud Hernández in Semana magazine against our health system and its solidarity work in the world.  ... More

Brasilia, April 26 (RHC)-- The National Front for the Mobilization of Workers (FNMT) of Brazil has strongly denounced the U.S. blockade against Cuba, the main obstacle to acquiring medicines, equipment and materials needed in the current fight against COVID-19.... More

Paris, April 26 (RHC)-- The organization Cuba Si France has called for solidarity with Cuba on May 1st, International Workers' Day -- making it a day of solidarity with the island and its people who are resisting an intensified U.S. blockade.... More

Havana, April 26 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 32 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 1,369 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Cuban doctors support fight against Covid-19 in South Africa.   (Photo: Maria Calvo)

Havana, April 26 (RHC)-- More than 200 Cuban health professionals, members of the Henry Reeve International Contingent of Doctors Specialized in Disaster Situations and Serious Epidemics, arrived today in South Africa to contribute to that nation's efforts to prevent the spread of the SARS-Cov-2 virus, which causes COVID-19.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)—Cuba has started to collect blood donations from COVID-19 convalescents for the processing of hyperimmune plasma to treat cases in critical and serious condition.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- In the meeting to review the battle against COVID-19, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz agreed in emphasizing that organization, in the most diverse aspects, is a vital principle in the current scenario that the country is living, confronting the COVID-19 virus.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- Residents and citizens of the United States were repatriated from Cuba after being stranded for several weeks due to the closure of the island's borders since early April because of the coronavirus outbreak, Reuters reported.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- The restructuring and transformation of the Integrated System of Medical Emergencies was the focus of the capital's Provincial Defense Council, which also analyzed compliance with the measures for the confrontation of COVID-19, in areas such as health, agriculture and protection.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 52 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 1,337 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Nueva Gerona, April 25 (RHC)-- The Municipal Defense Council (CDM) of Isla de la Juventud -- the Isle of Youth -- has declared a new area in La Fe in quarantine, due to the increase in positive cases of COVID-19 in that locality, second in importance of the special municipality.... More

Havana, April 25 (RHC)-- Ana Teresita Gonzalez, First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, on behalf of the Cuban people and government, expressed appreciation for the donation by China of medical supplies to confront the new coronavirus pandemic.... More
