Lisbon, April 24 (RHC)-- The General Confederation of Portuguese Workers/National Inter-union (CGTP-IN), the largest trade union center in that country, recently expressed its solidarity with Cuba, rejecting the blockade imposed by the United States and highlighting its cooperation in these times of pandemic.... More

Havana, April 24 (ACN)-- Cuban Pressident Miguel Diaz-Canel says that one's home will serve as the Plaza this May Day.  And from our homes, "workers will raise and sustain the Homeland, despite blockades, wars and threats."... More

Havana, April 24 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 50 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 1,235 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Beijing, April 24 (RHC)-- An planeload of medical products acquired in China arrived in Cuba with the purpose of strengthening its capabilities while fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Cuban ambassador to China, Carlos Miguel Pereira.... More

Havana, April 24 (RHC)-- Since the first cases of COVID-19 were confirmed on the island in early March, the Cuban government has carried out a daily battle against the pandemic, making it a priority on its agenda.... More

Havana, April 24 (RHC)-- During the daily meeting held at the Palacio de la Revolucion to examine the situation regarding COVID-19, President Miguel Díaz-Canel and other senior government leaders met with public health experts and scientists from various sectors. ... More

Havana, April 23 (RHC)-- The Cuban Minister of Communications, Jorge Luis Perdomo, reviewed operations through a video conference, noting actions of the Cuban Postal Service amid the COVID-19 pandemic.... More

Havana, April 23 (RHC)— Cuban Public Health authorities assured on Thursday that no outbreaks or confirmed COVID19 cases have been reported on the island’s penitentiaries.... More

Pretoria, April 23 (RHC)-- South Africa made the delivery of a donation of supplies to combat the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus in Cuba, an action that is part of the close political and historical relations between the two nations.... More

Madrid, April 23 (RHC)-- The Party of the European Left -- El Partido de la Izquierda Europea (PIE) -- has called on the United States to immediately end the economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba, as it is an indecent policy in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.... More

Havana, April 22 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported that there were 46 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 1,235 positive cases across the island.  ... More

 Brasilia, April 23 (RHC)-- Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff expressed her gratitude to Cuban health professionals who participated in the founding of the "Mais Medicos" ("More Doctors") program, which brought health care to the nation's most remote communities.... More

Havana, April 23 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel highlighted this Thursday the upcoming celebration of International Workers' Day, complying with the measures of social distancing established to isolate COVID-19.... More

Havana, April 23 (RHC)-- After 43 days since the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the island, the Cuban government, headed by President Miguel Díaz-Canel and Prime Minister Manuel Marrero, continued the detailed analysis of the implementation of the Plan for the Prevention and Control of the New Coronavirus.... More

Havana, April 23 (RHC)-- The General Secretary of the Confederation of Cuban Workers -- Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) -- Ulises Guilarte, highlighted the broad expression of solidarity with the Cuban Revolution by trade unions around the world.... More
