Havana, April 15 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported on Wednesday that there are 48 new cases of COVID-19, for an total of 814 positive cases across the island.  ... More

Fabiana Dadone, Minister of Public Administration of Italy. ANSA Photo

Havana, April 14 (RHC)-- Fabiana Dadone, Minister of Public Administration of Italy, described as an extraordinary example of solidarity and collaboration Cuba's support to combat the COVID-19 in the Piedmont region, reported from Rome Prensa Latina news agency.... More

Madrid, April 15 (RHC)-- Solidarity associations and social movements in Spain urged the United States on Wednesday to immediately end the blockade against Cuba to allow the island to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.... More

Havana, April 15 (RHC)-- Cuba criticized the US decision to defund the World Health Organization amind the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic.... More

Havana, April 15 (RHC) Cubans remember this Wednesday the U.S. bombing of three air terminals in the national territory 59 years ago, while Washington persists in its aggressions against the island.... More

Havana, April 14 (RHC)-- The National Director of Epidemiology of Cuba's Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Francisco Duran, reported during his daily press briefing on Tuesday morning that there were 40 new positive cases of COVID-19.  The report, which covers the previous day, a 24-hour period that ended at 12 midnight Monday night into Tuesday morning, noted that there are a total of 766 patients who have tested positive for the virus here in Cuba.... More

Moscow, April 14, (RHC)--  Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Cuban counterpart Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla agreed during a telephone conversation that it is necessary to lift all illegal unilateral sanctions against the spread of the new coronavirus, reported Sputnik.... More

Bruno Rodriguez and Wang Yi. File Photo

Beijing, Apr 14 (RHC)-- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi ratified his country's willingness to support Cuba while it faces the COVID-19, expressing confidence in the island's ability to overcome the pandemic, local press reported in the Chinese capital on Tuesday.... More

Photo taken from the tweet of Italian FM @luigidimaio

Rome, April 14 (RHC)-- Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio thanked Cuba on Tuesday for sending a brigade of health workers to support the confrontation of the COVID-19 in the Piedmont region.... More

Havana, April 13 (RHC)— Dr. Francisco Duran, head of Epidemiology at the Ministry of Public Health urged the Cuban people to keep social distancing and isolation as the main actions to keep the novel coronavirus at bay.... More

Havana, April 13 (RHC) Cuban health authorities said 57 new cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed Monday, bringing to 736 the tally of patients testing positive on the Caribbean island.... More

Radio Reloj Photo

Havana, April 13 (RHC)--For the second consecutive year, the absolute national record for the highest temperature in Cuba has been broken, with a value of 39.3 degrees Celsius (102.74 Fahrenheit)  recorded Saturday afternoon at the Veguitas weather station in Granma province.... More

Havana, April 13 (RHC)-- As part of the country's actions to confront the expansion of the new coronavirus,  local governments have decided to strictly isolate communities in different territories and to step up screening, among other prevention and control actions.... More

Havana, April 13 (RHC)—President Miguel Diaz Canel says that Cuba has not forgotten for a second the two doctors, Assel Herrera and Landy Rodríguez kidnapped in Kenya.... More

Cuban Medical brigade heading to Togo

Havana, April 13 (RHC)—A second Cuban medical brigade has arrived in Italy to support the containment of the COVID-19, after the positive experience of the previous one which is still working in Lombardy.... More
