The Albear Acueduct, Havana

Havana, March 25 (RHC)-- National authorities are calling for urgent savings in the use of water, and the acceleration of the constructive actions currently being carried out in critical positions of the hydraulic infrastructure in Havana.... More

Havana, March 25 (RHC)-- Former Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva has sent a letter to President Miguel Diaz-Canel to praise the island's international cooperation amid the Covid-019 pandemic.... More

Havana, March 24 (RHC) Cuban Minister of Transport, Eduardo Rodriguez, told the press on Tuesday that in compliance with the State's new measures on COVID-19, it is in the interest of the transporters to contribute to the protection of the population.... More

ACN art

Luanda, March 24 (RHC)-- Silvia Lutucuta, Health Minister of the Republic of Angola, said on Monday that her government will ask Cuba for help in tackling the coronavirus pandemic that is affecting many nations around the world.... More

Havana, March 24 (RHC)-- Cuba is calling for a virtual technical workshop between health specialists to establish communication channels, share experiences and information to face Covid-19.... More

Havana, March 24 (RHC)--Cuba announced on Tuesday the recovery of the first patient previously diagnosed with Covid-19, while it informed the diagnosis of 8 new cases, bringing to 48 the number of cases that have tested positive on the island.... More

Havana, March 24 (RHC)-- President Miguel Díaz-Canel has demanded responsibility from all Cubans in the confrontation with COVID-19 - which already counts 40 confirmed cases on the Island. The situation requires "the commitment of the institutions, the family and the citizens in general.... More

Havana, March 23 (RHC)-- Cuba activated on Monday all the Defense Councils at provincial levels and at some municipalities in reduced format, following the decision of the Cuban Communist Party leader, Raul Castro Ruz, and the President of the Republic, Miguel Diaz-Canel.... More

Prime Minister Manuel Marrero addresses the nation on March 23, 2020. Estudios Revolution Photos

Havana, March 23 (RHC)—Cuba announced additional measures on Monday as part of its national plan for the confrontation of the novel coronavirus on its territory.... More

Havana, March 23 (RHC). Cuba’s Ministry of Public Health announced Monday morning five new cases of COVID. Three are Cubans,1 is French, and another one is Russian. All told, there are now 40 new coronavirus cases reported on the Caribbean island... More

Brasilia, March 23 (RHC)-- Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff praised Cuba's dispatch of a medical brigade to the Italian region of Lombardy to combat the new coronavirus.... More

Dr. Christopher Tufton (right) is seen with Cuban Ambassador to Jamaica Inés Fors Fernández (left) as they welcome the team of 140 Cuban medical professionals.

Kingston, March 23 (RHC)-- The Minister of Public Health of Jamaica, Dr. Christopher Tufton, welcomed 140 Cuban medical professionals to support the island’s national response efforts for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).... More

Havana, March 22 (PL)-- The Cuban Ministry of Public Health,( MINSAP) reported on Sunday the diagnosis of 10 new cases of COVID-19 in the country, bringing the number to 35.... More

Ciego de Avila, March 22 (RHC)-- Tourists vacationing in the Jardines del Rey hotels were returning to their respective countries Sunday morning  from the international airport of Cayo Coco, on the northern coast of central Cuba.... More


Rome, March 22 (RHC)-- The National Coordinator of Cubans Living in Italy (CONACI) welcomed on Sunday the arrival of a brigade of Cuban health workers to help fight the COVID-19 in that European nation.... More
