Havana, February 20 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel participated on Thursday in the annual review of the foreign policy work during 2019 and the priorities for the island's Foreign Ministry for 2020.... More

Havana, February 20 (RHC)—Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel says the 4th Conference "The Nation and Emigration," to be held in Havana from April 8 through the 10th, must mark a milestone and become an open space for debate, without fractures to the island's sovereignty, unity, and independence.... More

Havana, February 20 (RHC)-- The investment process in Cuba has become more dynamic in recent years, and by 2019 it represented 19 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).... More

UNDP's resident representative in Cuba, Maribel Gutierrez. ACN Photo

Havana, February 20 (RHC)-- The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has begun a new cycle of cooperation with the Cuban government in 2020.... More

Heads of Government and delegates at the 31st Intersessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of CARICOM. Photo CARICOM website

Bridgetown, February 20 (RHC)—The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) hs reiterated its solidarity with Cuba.... More

Havana, February 19 (RHC)--The President of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, received this Tuesday in Havana the Secretary-General of the Democratic Revolutionary Party of Panama -PRD-, Pedro Miguel González Pinzón, who is visiting the island at the invitation of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party.... More

Brussels, Feb 19 (PL) Cuba denounced US agents before the European Parliament in its goal of overthrowing Cuba's constitutional order and reaffirmed its commitment to respect for human rights.... More

The second secretary of the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations, Indira Guardia. Cubaminrex Photo

Havana, February 18 (RHC)--The second secretary of the Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations, Indira Guardia, reaffirmed the importance of the Special Committee on the UN Charter.... More

Havana, February 19 (RHC)-- Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, condemned the newly announced  U.S. government sanctions against the Russian oil company Rosneft Trading S.A. for trading with Venezuela.... More

Havana, February 18 (RHC)—Johana Tablada, Deputy Director of the U.S. Desk at the Cuban Foreign Ministry, blasted the U.S. policy of hatred the Trump Administration is waging against Cuba has reached levels never seen before.... More

Montevideo, February 18 (RHC)-- The Frente Amplio (Broad Front) of Uruguay deplored and rejected on Monday the absence of the heads of state of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela from the transmission of the presidential mandate on March 1.... More

The president of the Pan-African Parliament, Roger Nkodo Dang, paid tribute to the National Hero José Martí. National Assembly Photo

Havana, February 18 (RHC)-- The president of the Pan-African Parliament, Roger Nkodo Dang, paid tribute to the National Hero José Martí this Monday, placing a floral offering at the base of the monument to the Apostle, at Revolution Square in Havana.... More

Havana, February 18 (RHC)-- Francisco Durán, National Director of Epidemiology, of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health -MINSAP-, assured  Monday in Havana that there is no diagnosed or suspected case of the Coronavirus on the island so far.... More

Havana, February 18  (RHC)-- As part of preparations for the upcoming 4th Conference on Nation and Emigration, Cuban consular officials visited Miami from February 16 to 18.... More

Havana, February 17 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said Monday that solidarity distinguishes his country when referring to 56 years of international medical cooperation.... More
