Santiago de Cuba, February 6 (RHC)-- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, arrived Wednesday night in the city of Santiago de Cuba, as part of his tour of Latin American nations.... More

Santiago de Cuba, February 5 (RHC)-- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Serguei V. Lavrov is paying tribute to National Hero José Martí and the historic leader of the Revolution Fidel Castro, during a stopover on his trip to Mexico and Venezuela.... More

Havana, February  5 (RHC) The presence of Cubans in the digital public space is growing in a spiral, as a result of the process of computerization of its society. ... More

Havana, February 5 (RHC)--The president of the United States, Donald Trump, insisted this Tuesday on his interfering attitude in the internal affairs of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.... More

Havana, February 4 (RHC)-- Informática 2020 Fair and Convention will showcase Cuba's main advances in the field, said an official from the Ministry of Communications (MINCOM).... More

Washington, February 4 (RHC)-- The Alianza Martiana, which brings together organizations of Cuban immigrants in Miami, in the US State of Florida,  called on Tuesday for a caravan of cars on February 8 to demand the right to travel to the island without restrictions.... More

Brussels, February 4 (RHC)-- Latin American organizations and Cubans living in Belgium issued a declaration in Brussels on Tuesday, rejecting the new campaign against the Caribbean island promoted by right-wing members of the European Parliament.... More

Cubaminrex Photo

Havana, January 4 (RHC)-- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, welcomed on Monday Mexican Senator, Beatriz Paredes Rangel, who is visiting Cuba, on the occasion of her participation in the 36th General Assembly of the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunications Organizations (CANTO).... More

Havana, February 4 (RHC)-- The Ministry of Higher Education issued new regulations for admission to universities. An article by the Vanguardia newspaper states from now on, students who win national and provincial contests will have direct access to their careers, without having to take placement exams.... More

Havana, February 4 (RHC)-- The Cuban Council of State has ruled that the inauguration of the governors and deputy governors and the constitution of the provincial councils of People's Power will take place throughout the national territory next Saturday.... More

Havana, February 4 (RHC)-- The leader of the Workers' Party in the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, Paulo Pimenta, has condemned the US smear campaign against Cuba´s international medical assistance.... More

Havana, February 4 (RHC)-- The 36th General Assembly of the Caribbean Association of National Telecommunications Organizations (CANTO) is underway in Varadero, Cuba.... More

Cuban Embassy in China Twitter Photo

Beijing, February 3 (RHC) The Cuban embassy in China says it has established a medical post for monitoring coronavirus and guiding Cuban personnel in that Asian country.... More

London, February 3 (RHC)-- Cuba had a good reception among visitors to the Destinations, Holiday & Travel Show that concluded in the UK capital on Sunday.... More

Havana, February 2 (RHC) Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla recalled the speech made by the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in June 1992.... More
