Rogelio Sierra. File Photo.

Havana, November 18 (RHC)-- Cuban Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rogelio Sierra Díaz concluded Saturday an official visit to Saint Kitts and Nevis.... More

Cuban authorities welcome the four health workers who were arrested arbitrarily in El Alto last week. Twitter photo

Havana, November 18 (RHC)-- With the arrival in the early hours of Monday of 207 Cuban health workers who were in Bolivia, there are now 431 professionals who have come back to the island.... More

Former governor of the Ecuadorean province of Esmeraldas, Paola Cabezas

Quito, November 18 (RHC)-- The former governor of the Ecuadorean province of Esmeraldas, Paola Cabezas, publicly thanked the Cuban Medical Brigade for its work, as part of the agreement maintained for years between the two governments and recently finalized by Ecuador.... More

Havana, November 17 (RHC)—Songs and poems dedicated to Havana, dances showing the city´s cultural heritage, and a spectacular fireworks display paid homage to Cuba´s capital city on a gala for its 500th anniversary.... More

Havana, November 17 (RHC)-- Roberto Morales Ojeda, vice-president of the Cuban Council of Ministers, Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez and Public Health Minister José Angel Portal Miranda welcomed on Saturday evening the first group of Cuban health workers who were working in Bolivia.... More

Moment in which Assembly recognizes Eusebio Leal

Havana, November 16 (RHC)—The provincial Assembly of People´s Power in Havana held a solemn session Saturday to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Cuban capital.... More

Havana, November 16 (RHC)-- The government of Cuba and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Fund for International Development (OFID) signed earlier this week in Havana a loan agreement for the financing of a 25-million-dollar hydraulic project, which will benefit municipalities to the west of the Cuban capital.... More

Havana, November 15 (RHC)--  Esteban Lazo, President of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba, met on Friday with Valentina Matvienko, President of the Council of the Russian Federation (Senate), on an official visit to Cuba.... More

Washington, November 16 (RHC)-- The U.S. State Department announced Friday it was adding five Cuban hotel facilities to its Restricted List, which prohibits direct financial transactions.... More

The sky of Havana was illuminated with thousands of fireworks. Photo: Irene Pérez/ Cubadebate

Havana, November 16 (RHC)—The rain from a cold front did not dissuade thousands of Havana residents from converging at its Malecon sea promenade Friday evening to watch a spectacular fireworks display.... More

Dr. Yoandra Muro Valle

.Havana, November 15 (RHC)-- The Chief of the Cuban Medical Brigade in Bolivia, Dr. Yoandra Muro Valle, has been released by Bolivian police and returned to the mission headquarters.  According to the Minister of Public Health, Dr. José Ángel Portal Miranda, the other four aid workers are still being detained by Bolivian authorities.... More

Eugenio Martinez, Director for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Foreign Ministry speaks to the press. Cubadebate Photo

Havana, November 15 (RHC)-- Cuba denounced Friday to the international community the arrest of the Chief-Coordinator of its Medical Contingent in Bolivia, Doctor Yoandra Muro Valle.... More

Havana, November 15 (RHC)—Cuban authorities have announced the withdrawal of its aid personnel deployed in Bolivia to assist in different social sectors  in response to the acting government smear campaign blaming Cubans of instigating violence in the Andean nation.... More

Rome, November 15 (RHC)-- Pope Francis sent a warm message to the people of Havana on Friday on the eve of the 500th anniversary of the founding of the city, San Cristóbal de La Habana.... More

Havana, November 15 (RHC)-- Authorities from New Orleans and Havana signed on Friday a Memorandum of Understanding in the Cuban capital to continue strengthening cooperation and friendship between the two cities.... More
