United Nations, November 7 (RHC)-- No obstacle will impede Cuba and Venezuela from continuing their path towards development, said Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza when addressing the United Nations General Assembly as the body got ready on Thursday to vote on a  resolution demanding the lifting of the US blockade on Cuba. ... More

Ana Teresa Igarza

Havana, November 7 (RHC)-- The Mariel Special Development Zone is ratifying its strategic position on the island's economic development by accounting for more than 2.3 billion dollars in investments from 32 countries.... More

Marcelo Ebrard

Havana, November 7 (RHC)-- Mexico's Foreign Secretary Marcelo Luis Ebrard will make an official visit to Cuba next Saturday, the island´s Foreign Ministry announced Thursday.... More

Havana, November 7 (RHC)-- The President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez, met on Wednesday with ministers, heads of delegations and Cuban and foreign businesspeople participating in the 37th edition of the Havana International Fair (FIHAV).... More

United Nations, November 7 (RHC)  Diplomats from around the world called on Wednesday for an end to the United States long‑standing economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba, with many States criticizing the Administration of Donald  Trump for intensifying sanctions and restrictions against the Caribbean island nation over the past year.... More

United Nations, November 7 (RHC)-- The United Nations General Assembly is set to vote this Thursday on a resolution, requesting the end of the most prolonged economic, financial, and commercial siege ever kept by a power against another country in modern human history.... More

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez attends debate at General Assembly this Wednesday, November 6, 2019. Twitter Photo

United Nations, November 6 (RHC)-- For the 28th consecutive year, the United Nations General Assembly is holding a debate before the vote on a resolution calling for the end of the economic blockade the United States has imposed on its neighboring Cuba for almost six decades.... More

Havana, November 6 (RHC)--Cuba became the first Caribbean country to ratify the Convention Establishing the Caribbean Customs Organization (CCO) and on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters. ... More

FIHAV 2019 hosts investment forum

Havana, November 6 (RHC)—The 4th investment forum is the main course this Wednesday’s at Havana 2019 International Trade Fair (FIHAV 2019) running in the Cuban capital until Friday.... More

Havana, November 6 (RHC)-- Cuba is gradually advancing in the deployment of a digital television signal, a process that aims to complete the termination of all analog TV broadcasts by 2023.... More

Moscow, November 6 (RHC)-- The Russian State Duma on Tuesday requested the United Nations General Assembly exert influence on the United States to end the economic, financial, and commercial embargo against Cuba, reports Interfax.... More

New York, November 6 (RHC) -- Today and tomorrow, for the twenty-eighth time, Cuba will submit to the United Nations General Assembly the draft resolution "Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba".... More

Washington, November 5 (RHC)-- Eleven U.S. Democratic senators opposed to their country's policies against Cuba, sent a letter to the Trump administration to reject the new restrictions imposed on flights to the island.... More

Havana, November 5 (RHC)-- The White House prohibited the federal government from financing educational and cultural exchange activities with Cuban officials and state entities, allegedly to prevent human trafficking between the two countries, according to a memorandum sent to the State Department.... More

Havana, November 4 (RHC)-- Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel attended on Monday the meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum Working Group held at Havana's Convention Center.   The Forum is a regional political space for consensus-building and action by progressive movements in Latin America and the Caribbean.... More
